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Veterans week activities November 6-11

Release Date: October 27, 2017

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo


Colorado State University-Pueblo to host veterans week activities November 6-11

PUEBLO – Veteran’s Week activities November 6-11 at Colorado State University-Pueblo will include the fourth annual Home of Heroes Veterans Day Concert, a Veterans Art Exhibit, Veterans Resource Fair, presentation and training about post traumatic stress disorder, Stolen Valor Act presentation and book signing, as well as a Purple Heart Ceremony that will unveil parking spots specifically for these heroes.

All Week, Nov. 6-11

Veterans Art Exhibit, Fine Arts Gallery, Art/Music Building, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 6

Paint the CSU-Pueblo Pride Rock, noon, members of the Student Veterans of America will honor the week by painting the University’s Pride Rock. 

Military and Veteran Success Center Open House, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Administration 103, enjoy refreshments and meet your fellow veterans, military, and dependents. 

Tuesday, Nov. 7

PTSD Training, 2:30-3:30 p.m., General Classroom Building (GCB) 110, John Emmons, CSU Pueblo’s newest mental health counselor, will present an overview and help educate on best practices regarding this condition. John has spent the last 10 years working closely with military members and their families as a Military Family Life Counselor as Counselor as well as one year in Afghanistan and a year in Iraq. 

Wednesday, Nov. 8

Veterans Resource Fair, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC) Lobby Walk through the annual Veterans Resource Fair to learn about 15+ military affiliated organizations. Resources include:

- Wounded Warrior Project

- Military and Veteran Success Center

- Puebloplex

- Veterans Of Foreign War

- Veterans Upward Bound Program

- Devil Dogg Cross fit

- Mt. Carmel Center of Excellence

- CSU-P ROTC Program

- Wells Fargo

Thursday, Nov. 9

Stolen Valor Act Presentation, 3 p.m., LARC 108, CSU-Pueblo alumna Pamla Sterner wrote a paper for a political science class here that eventually became a federal law, the Stolen Valor Act, and was later ruled on by the Supreme Court.

Student Veteran Hardship Panel, 4 p.m., GCB211. The Honors Program and Veterans Upward Bound will host a Student Veteran Hardship panel, including Director of Veterans Upward Bound Jacobo Varela, Psychology Professor Dr. Fred Stultz, and student veteran William Stokes. The panel will present topics relating to issues and concerns arising from veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury returning to school.  A question and answer will follow with pizza and refreshments provided. 

Friday, Nov. 10

Purple Heart Announcement, 11 a.m., Visitor Center Parking Lot, Purple Heart recipients will share comments in advance of a special announcement that shows support for our military and Purple Heart recipients specifically. A reception will follow in the Buell Communications Center lobby. Speakers include President Timothy Mottet, Associated Students’ Government President Jake Harmon and Purple Heart recipients Dr. David Andrews, title, and CSU-Pueblo Alumnus and former Pueblo District Attorney Gus Sandstrom.

Saturday, Nov. 11

Pueblo Veterans Day Parade, 10 a.m., downtown, featuring the ThunderWolf Marching Band

Pueblo Veterans Day Ceremony, 11:30 a.m., Veterans Bridge, HARP, CSU-Pueblo President Tim Mottet and the CSU-Pueblo Chamber Choir will be among the participants in the community Pueblo Veterans Day Ceremony.

Campus Veterans Memorial Ceremony, 1:45 p.m., Southeast Asia Memorial, the Veterans Upward Bound Office and Military and Veteran Success Center will host a campus Veterans Day Ceremony for attendees at the Discover Day, featuring  featuring guest speaker Colonel Grice, the Commander of the Pueblo Chemical Depot. This memorial includes the 623 names of Colorado men and women in all branches of service who were killed in the SE Asia conflict.

Prelude/Posting of Colors
CSU-Pueblo Army ROTC

Welcome & Introductions
Dana Rocha, Director, Military and Veteran Success Center

Star Spangled Banner
Music Department

Pledge of Allegiance

Student Comments
James Edwards, Student Veterans of America
Jake Harmon, President, Associated Students Government

President Timothy Mottet

Guest Speaker
Col. Grice, Commander, US Army, Pueblo Chemical Depot

Music Department

Closing Remarks
Jacobo Varela, Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Day Benefit Concert, 7 p.m. , Hoag Recital Hall, the CSU-Pueblo Music Department will perform a Veterans Day Concert, with proceeds funding scholarships for veteran music students, “Thanking them all. . .for their service.” The brainchild of Air Force veteran and Artist-in-Residence Al Eberhardt, the concert will feature the Pueblo Chorale, the South High School Choir, The CSU-Pueblo Chamber Choir, and members from the new CSU-Pueblo Music Theatre Ensemble, who will perform selections in tribute to our U.S. Military veterans, past and present.

Wednesday, Nov. 15

Veterans Coffee with International Students, 9-11 a.m., Psychology 152, the Center for International Programs will host a coffee for veterans as part of International Education Week.

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