CSU-Pueblo to recognize donors to Chicano Movement Archives
Release Date: February 20, 2017
Press Release
PUEBLO – Colorado State University-Pueblo will recognize two families who recently contributed to the Chicano Movement Archives in the University Library as part of an author visit next week at the Rawlings Library.
The CSU-Pueblo Archives will honor the sister and family of Una Jaakola and Juan and Deborah Mora Espinosa at a reception at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23 in the InfoZone of the Rawlings Library, 100 E Abriendo.
Una Jaakola was a member of the Los Seis de Boulder, a group of Chicano leaders who died in car bombings in 1974. The family has donated her artifacts and letters to the Archives.
The second gift is a set of 26 teaching murals entitled Los Tres Mil Dias De La Revolucion (The 3000 days of the Revolution), which were published in Morales, Mexico in the 1960s. The Espinosas have donated the illustrated paper murals from the collection to the University Archives.
The donor reception will precede a 6 p.m. reading by Dr. Ramon Del Castillo of his new book, Quetzales Are Not Extinct. Castillo’s poems address immigrant rights, which he has supported for more than 25 years through work with coalitions and human rights organizations. Books will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served.