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CSU-Pueblo hosts Spooktacular Events in Spirit of Halloween

Release Date: October 18, 2016

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo


Press Release

Colorado State University-Pueblo will celebrate the Halloween season with a variety of spooktacular events in the coming weeks that are educational, healthy, and haunting.

Healthy Halloween

Nursing students will host a free, Healthy Halloween event for children ages 0-5 from 9-11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27 at Praise Assembly of God, 2000 Troy Ave in Pueblo. Thirteen vendors will provide healthy treats, prizes, games, and other fun activities to promote healthy decision making. Thirteen vendors will provide healthy treats, prizes, games, and other fun activities to promote healthy decision making. Parents or care-givers should plan to attend the event with their children. For more information, contact Trennea Harrod at

Spooktacular Fun Run

The CSU-Pueblo Health Education and Prevention Program invites students and community members to walk or run in the free Spooktacular Fun Run at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 29, beginning at the CSU-Pueblo Residence Hall Oval. Attendees also can participate in a scavenger hunt and a Halloween costume contest. Hot chocolate and s'mores provided. For more information, contact Sarah Lawson at 719.549.2121 or

Midnight Massacre Haunted House

The Medical Science Society will present the haunted "Midnight Massacre" from 7:30 p.m.-midnight on Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 in the Life Science Building at the university. Admission is $6 per person for pre-ticket sales and $8 per person at the door. Pre-tickets can be purchased through the Biology Department 719.549.2743, Life Science Building 210. Pre-ticket sales will end Thursday, October 27. Contact Theresa Jiminez with questions at:

Meet a Zombie

The Meet a Zombie event will bring awareness to the Simulation Lab of the CSU-Pueblo Nursing Department from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Monday, October 31. The Simulation Lab will be open and tours will be given in a fun and haunting environment. Faculty, students, and manikins will participate in a costume contest. Refreshments will be provided. Children are welcome.

The Simulation Lab provides both undergraduate and graduate students with immersion learning activities in preparation for working in emergency rooms, intensive-care units, and medical-surgical units.

  • SimMom manikin can deliver a baby every 15 minutes.
  • SimNewB is a moving, breathing, crying newborn manikin.
  • SimMan3G is the most advanced manikin currently available. It blinks, breathes, sweats, bleeds, and talks.
  • SimJunior is a child manikin who convulses, talks, complete with heart and lung sounds

For more information contact Maureen Bajah at 719.549.2746 or Eve Kwiatkowski at 719.549.2534.

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