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Spring 2017 accreditation visit, accepts public comments

Release Date: August 21, 2016

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo


Press Release

PUEBLO - Over a 10-year cycle, Colorado State University-Pueblo is assessed to verify that it is meeting or exceeding accreditation standards by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and providing quality educational experiences for its students. In 2016-2017, CSU-Pueblo will seek reaffirmation of its accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) with a visit by an HLC accreditation team in Spring of 2017.

As part of its Federal Compliance process, HLC requires institutions undergoing comprehensive evaluation (initial or continued candidacy or accreditation) to publish basic information about the visit in appropriate publications and invite the public to provide written comments to HLC.

HLC is a regional accreditation agency that accredits degree granting institutions of higher education that are based in the 19-state North Central region of the United States. Institutions that HLC accredits are evaluated against HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation, a set of standards that institutions must meet to receive and/or maintain accredited status. Approximately 1,300 educators from institutions of higher education serve as peer reviewers conducting accreditation evaluations for other institutions.

The HLC Steering Committee, led by Assistant Provost Dr. Helen Caprioglio, has formed task forces for each of the criteria and four additional areas.

  • Criterion 1: Mission
  • Criterion 2: Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
  • Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning Resources
  • Criterion 4: Teaching and Learning Outcome
  • Criterion 5: Planning
  • Federal Compliance
  • Assumed Practices
  • Quality Initiative
  • Communications

Comments on institutions are due in HLC's office no later than one month before the date the visit is scheduled to begin. HLC forwards these comments to the evaluation team members to include in their review of the institution and to the institution.

The CSU-Pueblo visit is scheduled for Feb. 13-14, 2017. HLC cannot guarantee that comments received after January 13, 2017 will be considered. Individuals with a specific dispute or grievance with an institution should request HLC's separate policy on complaints as complaints will not be considered as comments.

Send mail to HLC:
Third-Party Comment on CSU-Pueblo
Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604-1411

Comments also may be submitted on the HLC website:

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