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CSU-Pueblo hosts Rocky Mountain Honors Council

Release Date: April 06, 2015

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo

(719) 549-2810

PUEBLO - The Honors Program at Colorado State University-Pueblo will host more than 200 college honor students and faculty advisors at the Third Annual Rocky Mountain Honors Council (RMHC) Honors Student Symposium from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 18 in the Occhiato University Center. It is the first time CSU-Pueblo has hosted the prestigious competition.

The Rocky Mountain Honors Council Honors Student Symposium is a formal competition during which honors students from CSU-Pueblo, CSU- Fort Collins, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, University of Colorado-Denver, and the University of Wyoming will hone their academic skills by presenting on a chosen theme in groups for a panel of judges. Each team gives a 20-minute presentation on the theme for the audience and a panel of judges, and one team is chosen as the winner.

For this year's competition, students will address in a variety of creative and traditional venues the tensions between personal privacy, public transparency, and national security in light of how our lives have grown more digital, while concerns with national and personal security have increased. The theme further explores how Edward Snowden's NSA spying revelations, the disclosure of the NSA's surveillance program, and what appears to be corporate complicity highlights the contemporary tension between the democratic values of personal privacy and public transparency, and the demand for national security. Honors students will address how and if these values and demands can be reconciled.

For more information on the RMHC Honors Student Symposium, contact Dr. John O'Connor, director of the CSU-Pueblo Honors Program, at 549-2429 or .

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