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CSU-Pueblo hosts Chemistry Day for Area Students

Release Date: October 14, 2014

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo

(719) 549-2810

Press Release

PUEBLO – Students from four area middle and high schools will explore the sweet side of chemistry at Colorado State University-Pueblo on Oct. 23 in celebration of National Chemistry Week.
Candy, the Sweet Side of Chemistry is the theme for the CSU-Pueblo Chemistry Department’s Mole Day (a chemistry thing—one mole is 6.022 x 1023), which will begin at 8 a.m. with registration in Chemistry 104. Students from East, South, and Centennial high schools and Skyview Middle School will learn about sugar and candy making, and participate in lab activities and a scavenger hunt as part of the day-long event.
Students will alternate among three rotations hosted by chemistry faculty. Dr. Sandra Bonetti will help students determine the optical rotation of various sugars, which is an important aspect of how the sugars are used by the body. Drs. Chad Kinney and David Lehmpuhl will host an instrumental rotation in which students will measure the residual triclosan on hands following use of an antibacterial liquid hand soap using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, as well as the amount of mercury contained in sugars or hair. Dr. Rick Farrer will create candy made from different types of sugars and will have students taste the differences.
​The rotations, the 60 students will witness additional demonstrations hosted by the Chemistry Club during lunch before heading off on a scavenger hunt throughout the Chemistry building.

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