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City Council to honor 50th anniversary of nursing department

Release Date: September 03, 2014

Cora Zaletel

Executive Director, External Affairs

Colorado State University-Pueblo

(719) 549-2810

Press Release

PUEBLO – The 50th anniversary of the Nursing Department at Colorado State University-Pueblo will be recognized with a Proclamation as part of the Pueblo City Council meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 8 at Pueblo Memorial Hall, 1 City Hall Place. Dr. Donna Wofford, associate dean of nursing, will accept a signed proclamation declaring Sept. 8 as CSU-Pueblo Nursing Department 50th Anniversary Day.
The nursing program began as an Associate Degree (AA) program in 1964.  The AA program replaced a hospital based diploma program offered by St. Mary-Corwin School of Nursing.  Concurrent with the graduation of the first class, accreditation from the National League for Nursing (NLN) was achieved.  In 1974, the nursing faculty began to develop an upper division degree-completion baccalaureate program for registered nurses.  This program received its initial NLN accreditation in 1981 and graduated its first class in 1987.  This class had a 95 percent State Board Exam (NCLEX-RN) pass rate.  The BSN program continues to be accredited by NLNAC and has a 95 percent NCLEX-RN pass rate.  In 2003, the University confirmed the approval of the Master of Science with a Major in Nursing at CSU-Pueblo; NLNAC accreditation was achieved in July 2006.
With a mission to educate professional safe, competent and caring nurses who meet the health care needs of diverse populations, the Department of Nursing offers bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing. It has conferred more than 2500 Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees and 160 Master of Science degrees over the last five decades.

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