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Secondary Ensembles

Marching Band

    Jazz Band

    Open to qualified students by audition. Jazz ensembles l and ll meet each semester. Performances are given on and off campus as opportunities arise.

    Jazz Studies:

    Marching Band

    Fall 2023

    Enrollment in the Fall 2023 ThunderWolves Marching Band is now open.

    Enrollment options:

    1. Enrollment as a 1.0 Credit Full-Time CSU Pueblo student.
    2. Enrollment as a .5 Credit Full-Time CSU Pueblo student.
    3. Enrollment as a 1.0 Part-Time/Guest/Non-Degree-Seeking CSU Pueblo Student.
    4. Enrollment as a .5 Part-Time/Guest/Non-Degree-Seeking CSU Pueblo Student.
    5. Enrollment as a 1.0 Credit Pueblo Community College Student.

    If you select option 3 or 4, you may select to enroll solely in Marching Band class with no additional classes.

    A minimum of at least one year of high school band experience is required, and/or by Director Approval.

    Students should enroll in class no later than July 1st to ensure that you receive a copy of the detailed Summer Information Letter and so that you receive a priority position for the Service Scholarship Award program (based on available funding). However, students are welcome to join class all the way up until the start of our fall camp. (The tentative fall schedule is posted below for your reference.)

    For more information, please contact the Chair of the Music Department at

    We are excited to have you join us for another amazing marching band season!!

    TENTATIVE Dates Fall 2023 (Subject to change):

    • August 4-5: Student Intern and Drum Majors Report to Camp
    • August 7-8: Color Guard, Drumline, and All Student Leadership Report to Camp
    • August 9-19: All Remaining Marching Band Members Report to Full Camp
    • August 21: First Day of Classes. Class meets Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays: 3:45 Recommended Stretching; 4:00-5:50 class
    • August 26: 9:00 a.m. report time in full uniform for State Fair Parade. Afternoon Band Shell with Flip Folders
    • September 2: Game Day 1 of 5 6:00 p.m. Kick Off v. Midwestern State University
    • September 9: Practice Day 1 of 3
    • September 16: Day of Rest
    • September 23: Game Day 2 of 5 2:00 p.m. Kick Off v. Colorado School of Mines. BAND DAY!
    • September 30: Practice Day 2 of 3
    • October 7: Game Day 3 of 5 2:00 p.m. Kick Off v. Adams State University
    • October 9: Pueblo Marching Showcase Performance
    • October 14: Practice Day 3 of 3
    • October 16,17,18: Marching Band Regional Competition Exhibition Performance dates T.B.A.
    • October 21: Day of Rest
    • October 28: Game Day 4 of 5 T.B.A. Kick Off v. Colorado Mesa University
    • October 30: CSU Pueblo hosts Class 1A/2A/3A State Marching Band Championships. Two Performances
    • November 4: Day of Rest
    • November 11: Game Day 5 of 5 T.B.A. Kick Off v. Black Hills State University – Veterans Day
    • Optional Play-Off Games: Nov 18, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, Dec. 9
    • If we make it all the way, the required dates:
      • Practice Days: Dec. 12; Dec 14; Dec. 15
      • Travel Day: Dec. 16
      • Championship Game: Dec. 17 Travel Day

    Service Award Scholarship Program

    The Department of Music is extremely excited about our Service Award Scholarship Program for students who participate in the ThunderWolves Marching Band (TWMB).

    Even if you might be receiving financial assistance through academic scholarships, music scholarships of any kind, or are receiving other incentives, you may be eligible to receive additional financial assistance from the marching band.

    The conditions of these awards include:

    • You must be at least a part-time CSU Pueblo or Pueblo Community College student (enrolling in marching band will meet this requirement)
    • You must pass the marching band class with a final course grade of “C” or better
    • You must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
    • You must remain in good standing with the Marching Band Director.

    Scholarships contingent upon admission to the University as a new student and completed Marching Band application of intent by March 1 or by permission of the Marching Band Director after this date.

    All enrolled students are eligible for our Marching Band Service Scholarship Award program (based on available funding) for those students who complete the course requirements. Most new marching students will receive a scholarship of up to $1,000 for the first year of service, while returning participants may be eligible for increased scholarships. Contact the Chair of the Music Department at to find out more information.

    Pueblo Community College Student Enrollment:

    Course Title Call Credits
    MUS 151 Marching Band #23021 1.0
    1st & 2nd Year
    MUS 230 Marching Band #5340 0.5
    MUS 230 Marching Band #5345 1.0
    3rd & 4th Year
    MUS 430 Marching Band #5900 0.5
    MUS 430 Marching Band #5905 1.0
    5th year or Graduate
    MUS 530 Marching Band #6130 1.0
    MUS 530 Marching Band #6135 0.5

    Watch the Marching Band in action

    ThunderWolves Marching Band Camp

    Each fall, the TWMB holds a Camp to kick start the season.  This is required for all participants.  Camp often starts exactly two weeks prior to the start of classes each fall, but you should contact the Marching Band Director to confirm the start date each year.  Late arrivals are permitted only by approval of the Marching Band Director. 

    Student participants should send a request to join the Facebook group appropriate for the fall season TWMB Membership Fall (+4 digits year) for example TWMB Membership Fall 2023.  This is a source of information about the band activities, dates, and other pertinent information throughout the marching season.

    An information letter goes out each summer (usually by the middle of July) with all of the details for fall camp and the performance schedule for the full fall season so that students can plan ahead for all events.  Students who enroll in class by July 1st of each year will be able to obtain a copy of the Marching Band Summer Information Letter electronically through the marching band Facebook group or via email. Students who enroll after July 1st should contact the Director to receive a copy of the information letter.

    Please note that all CSU Pueblo students who have signed a contract with Student Housing/Residence Life for the fall semester will be able to move into the residence halls according to your report day for Camp without any extra charges.  However, students will be responsible for their own meals during camp and up until the start of your fall meal plans. Please contact the Marching Band Director for more information.


    ThunderWolves Marching Band Staff

    • Dr. Mark Hudson - Chair of the Music Department
    • Mr. John Lemme - Assistant Director
    • Dr. Ryan Van Gilder - Brass Technical Adviser
    • Professor Pam Diaz - Woodwind Technical Adviser
    • Professor Aaaron Turner - Drumline Instructor

    University Band

    University Band is open to all students and members of the greater University Community. This includes CSU-Pueblo Students, Faculty, and Staff members, but is also open for participation by Community Members who have at least one year of High School level band experience.

    Therefore, High School students, Community College students, and Community members of high school age and older are welcome! U-Band meets Spring Semester on Monday nights from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in Hoag Concert Hall located in the Music Building on campus.

    U-Band performs in a joint concert with The University Wind Ensemble at the end of spring semester. No audition required. Contact the Director of Bands to express interest.


    Percussion Ensemble

    Open to all qualif​ied students by audition. The Percussion Ensemble performs a variety of music ranging from ragtime to avant-garde. The ensemble gives several performances each semester on and off campus.

    Percussion: Aaron Turner



    Concert Choir

    The CSU-Pueblo Concert Choir is open to all students and members of the university community. Rehearsals begin the first full week of school in the Fall and Spring semesters and an audition is required for admittance.

    Ability to read music is recommended. The choir will present at least one major concert per semester and, in addition, usually joins the Pueblo Chorale Society for their large works concert in March each year.


    Vocal Jazz Ensemble

    The Jazz Ensemble is a select ensemble and admittance is by vocal audition from music majors and members of the student body. The group is limited in size to approximately 15 members.

    This ensemble does not meet the requirement for the vocal secondary ensemble, but rather is considered an elective vocal ensemble. The Jazz Choir performs mostly a cappella jazz literature.


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