Here are a few links that will help you get started using your VA education benefits. Also listed, is the link to the Veterans Upward Bound Program.
On Campus Resources
Veterans Resource Center (VRC)
- Located in the Occhiato Student (OSC) Room #114
- 719.549.2910
- Veterans Resource Center
Veterans Upward Bound(VUB)
- Jacobo Varela
- 719.549.2824
- Veterans Upward Bound
- Trio
Disability Resource and Support Center
- LARC Room 187
- 719.549.2648
- Disability Resource and Support Center
The PACK Center
- LARC Room 151
- 719.549.2584
- PACK Center
Pack Pantry
- OSC 102
- Pack Pantry
Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC)
Residence Halls
- 719.549.2602
- 4320 Walking Stick Blvd.
- Residence Life and Housing
Student Veterans of America
- Can be contacted through Packlink
Off-Campus Resources
Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center- Pueblo
- 719.309.4719
- Veterans Center
Pueblo Vet Center
- 719.583.4058
- Pueblo Vet Center
VA Debt Management Hotline
- 800.827.0648
VA Educational Benefits Hotline
- 888.442.4551