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Student Opportunities


The Department of Mathematics and Physics provides students with a number of opportunities to work one-on-one or in small groups with faculty members. Students are encouraged to take advantage of practicum, both laboratory and field-based research. 

Research opportunity offers "hands-on" learning so that students may leverage real experience upon graduation. Here are just some of the opportunities available to CSU Pueblo students during the course of the academic year. 


    Lab Practicum

    The lab practicum course gives students a chance to review introductory physics while serving as a Lab Assistant during the junior or senior year. By taking a laboratory course, students learn about the steps needed to conduct a research study. This is a great way of obtaining research experience while also earning course credit. 


    Research Assistantships

    Most members of our faculty have active research programs. It is a valuable opportunity to learn first-hand the technical skills of doing research in physics, the methods of processing findings, and the style of preparing findings for publication. 

    A continuing goal of the department is to offer significant original research opportunities for declared majors and minors, working closely one-on-one or in small collaborative groups with members of the faculty.


    Physics Seminar

    Physics Seminar offers you a chance to hear talks by university faculty, visiting scientists, and research students (such as yourself) on subjects not normally encountered in class.


    Undertake an Independent Study

    Students can earn upper-division credits for participating in a Special Studies or Honors Thesis project with a member of the faculty. To do so, it is advisable to approach a faculty member early in your college career, take courses that will be valuable for completing your own project, and work with that faculty member in some ongoing research capacity.


    Become a Paid Student Assistant

    Part-time employment with the physics program is available to qualified physics students. Work opportunities include setting up labs, helping out during introductory labs, repairing equipment, tutoring, and working in the physics stockroom. These positions are generally paid prevailing rates for student assistants.​

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Department of Mathematics & Physics

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