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Scholar Expectations

As a PLP and Honors scholar, you are always a representative of both programs and CSU Pueblo. Wherever you are, the way you present yourself and the way you behave will reflect on the program and on the university. The President’s Leadership Program (PLP) and the Univerity Honors Program are committed to upholding the highest level of standards and expectations for program participants. The following sections detail requirements for accomplishing these goals, as well as the consequences for any infraction, as ratified by the students and advisory board for the program.

    Academic Participation

    Academic participation is defined as anything related to the coursework required for the Leadership Studies Minor and University Honors Program. Standards are to be set by each individual instructor in conference with the Academic Director and the Program Director.
    Participation in the President’s Leadership Program carries with it a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Academic performance is evaluated on a per-semester basis. Failure to uphold a cumulative GPA of 3.0 will result in a meeting with the Academic Director to establish a plan to raise academic performance.  Students who do not raise their cumulative GPA above a 3.0 will continue to remain eligible to participate in PLP at the discretion of the Program and Academic Directors. Furthermore, academic excellence is an expectation within the required PLP courses. Scholars who fail to engage in the academic components of the program may be required to withdraw from the program.
    University Honors Minor Program students must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA at CSU-Pueblo to remain in good standing in the program. To receive program credit, each required Honors Minor course must be passed with a B (3.0) or better.

    Program Participation

    Much of the PLP experience is established around students learning from each other, thus attendance in all classes and program events is essential. PLP only works if scholars attend, participate, and are actively involved in the program.

    Current Program Related Events:

    1. Annual Scholar Retreat 
    2. Colorado Leadership Alliance Summit and/or other approved Leadership Conference
    3. University Lecture Series
    4. Program Meetings, Presentations, and/or Social Events
    5. Community and/or Campus Service Activities  (minimum of 30 hours per semester required)
    In the event of an absence, it is the responsibility of the scholar to notify the Program Director as soon as possible. In the event that an absence can be predicted due to school-related activities and/or an emergency situation, the absence will be defined as an excused absence. In order for an absence to be excused, a scholar must inform the Program Director as to their situation in writing. Potential conflicts that are not considered grounds for an excused absence include work-related conflicts or poor schedule planning. If a scholar has concerns about planning their schedule, it is up to them to seek assistance from the PLP staff.
    With regards to social events related to the program that is planned during a given semester, scholars will be expected to attend and will be given ample time to sign up and/or RSVP for the event. With regards to community service projects, scholars will be expected to participate in either group and/or individual projects throughout the semester.
    PLP participation is evaluated on a per-semester basis. Failure to participate in program-related events will result in a meeting with the Program Director to establish a plan to raise program participation. Furthermore, participation is an expectation of the President’s Leadership Program and scholars who fail to participate in program-related events may be required to withdraw from the program.
    In the event that a student is eliminated from the program for academic, participation, and/or disciplinary reasons, that student will have the opportunity to appeal for reinstatement the following semester. Reinstatement will be decided on by a combination of the Program Director, Academic Director, PLP Instructors, Advisory Board, and a selection of PLP scholar representatives.

    Code of Conduct

    In academic, leadership, and social realms, PLP scholars are expected to act with integrity and respect, reflecting the overarching values of the program. The attitude and behavior of President’s Leadership Program Scholars is the responsibility of the entire group. The PLP staff and advisory board support an environment where every scholar takes responsibility for program participation and is proactive in dealing with conflict and bad behavior among their peers.  An acceptable attitude is encouraged and consistent with the pre-established PLP Class Mission signed by all scholars accepted into the program:
    “As leadership scholars participating in PLP, we strive to achieve a high standard of conduct through respect, responsibility and support for ourselves as individuals, for our PLP group, and for the community we live and work in.”
    Failure to act in accordance with the PLP Code of Conduct and student vision statement will result in a meeting with the Program Director. Consequences for repeated problems will be subject to expulsion from the program under a review by the Program Director, members of the staff, Community Advisory Board, and a selection of Scholar Representatives.

    Facebook and Other Internet Sites

    While PLP realizes that our scholars are unique individuals who express themselves in diverse ways, we request that our students use complete discretion and professionalism when posting to different internet sites. There have been many findings in the last few years that professional organizations, employers, scholarship foundations, etc., use Facebook and other internet outlets as research sites to determine the caliber and character of their applicants. We expect that our scholars will always represent themselves with the highest degree of professionalism, including in cyber-space.

    Alcohol Policy

    Absolutely no drinking is permitted at any PLP sponsored event, except for those scholars over the age of twenty-one attending events when alcohol is provided by the PLP, CSU-Pueblo, or a third party sponsor. In such circumstances, the scholar may only drink in moderation, knowing that he/she represents the program and the university.

    Suggested Clothing Attire

    PLP scholar attire should reflect professionalism, respect for those involved in delivering a program, respect for fellow scholars, and respect for oneself. PLP scholars should dress in either business professional or business casual attire at all PLP lectures and special events as requested. PLP scholars are not expected to invest in a large business wardrobe. Wearing the same one or two outfits during the year is perfectly acceptable. PLP scholars, however, have many opportunities to meet with community leaders and attend special events, on and off-campus, where business attire is a must, so a limited investment in attire will have an impact on your success.


    A violation of the PLP Code of Conduct is defined as an intentional act of falsifying the truth, cheating or plagiarizing on any type of work, stealing, sexual harassment, using alcohol or illegal substances in violation of the alcohol policy stated above, or resorting to serious acts or threats of emotional and/or physical violence toward another scholar, faculty or staff.

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