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    Bataan Death March

    Miles and Miles of Nothin' but Desert!

    In March 2013, the Mountain Ranger Battalion sent twelve cadets and two cadre to southern New Mexico to participate in the Bataan Death March Memorial at White Sands Missile Range. The cadets were divided up into two teams: one military light from (UCCS and CSU-Pueblo); an all male military heavy team from (UCCS). A female and male cadet conducted the march in the military heavy division. In March 2013, the Mountain Ranger Battalion sent twelve cadets and two cadre to southern New Mexico to participate in the Bataan Death March Memorial at White Sands Missile Range. The cadets were divided up into two teams: one military light from (UCCS and CSU-Pueblo); an all male military heavy team from (UCCS). A female and male cadet conducted the march in the military heavy division.

    The event is not for the weak-hearted. Cadets train for months in order to prepare to not only compete but to finish the Memorial March.

    Congratulations to all the cadets and cadre who participated in this event and made it such a success.

    Cadet Creed

    I am an ARMY Cadet.
    Soon I will take an oath and become an Army Officer committed to DEFENDING the values which make this Nation great.
    HONOR is my touchstone.
    I understand MISSION first and PEOPLE always.
    I am the PAST, the spirit of those WARRIORS who have made the final sacrifice.
    I am the PRESENT, the scholar and apprentice soldier enhancing my skills in the science of warfare and the art of leadership.
    But above all I am FUTURE, the future WARRIOR LEADER of the United States Army. May God give me the compassion and judgment to lead and the gallantry in battle to WIN.



    The Commissioning ceremony is the final stage in the ROTC process.  This is the point when Cadets make the transition to the rank of 2LT.

    Congratulations Lieutenants!!

    Once Commissioned as officers these 2LT's are responsible for leading, training, and helping soldiers. Officers are entrusted with the lives and welfare of the soldiers under their command, because of this only the most qualified men and women commission.


    Ranger Challenge Competition

    In order to participate on the Ranger Challenge Team, you must be enrolled in Army ROTC, be prepared for some physically demanding training, want to be a part of a great team and attend all training events.  The Ranger Challenge Team is the pride and joy of the Mountain Ranger Battalion!

    Chain of Command

    The Mountain Ranger Cadet Chain of Command for Charlie Company is updated throughout the year in order to allow cadets to grow as leaders and to better themselves along with the company. For Fall of 2016 below will be the chain of command until the fall of next year.

    ​Charlie Company Commander CDT Lemons, Kayla
    Executive Officer CDT McKenna, Kyle
    1st Sergeant CDT Montez, Christian
    ​Platoon Leader CDT Velez, Keane
    ​Platoon Sergeant CDT Eggleston, Clayton
    ​1st Squad Leader CDT Cowen, Kaitlyn
    2nd Squad Leader CDT Baca, Javier

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