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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) is centrally important in applying laws about animal research in the United States. The Committee reviews research protocols and conducts evaluations of the institution's animal care and use, which includes the results of inspections of facilities that are required by law. The NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) has been directed by law to develop policies that describe the role of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees. Since CSU Pueblo uses certain animals for federally funded laboratory research it is required to have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

IACUC Guidelines

  1. Animal Care
  2. Forms to be Completed by Investigators
    • New Protocols. For vertebrate animal subjects, the PI will need to submit an electronic protocol for review and approval by the CSU Pueblo IACUC committee. All uses of animals are required to have an approved protocol.  This includes laboratory animals, wildlife animals, and animals used in teaching. The maximum length of time for a new protocol is three years. Longer projects will require an extension or new protocol submission. These are reviewed semi-annually and can be submitted by October 1 for the Fall IACUC Semi-Annual meeting (Oct. 15-20) or by April 1 for the Spring IACUC Semi-Annual meeting (April 15-20).
        • All protocol submissions are made electronically using Kuali Protocols

      Submit Here

  3. Protocol Amendments. Protocol Amendments are also made using Kuali Protocols. Examples of amendments include minor changes in the number of animals used and minor procedures and dates. Contact the IACUC Chair with any questions. 
  4. Post-Approval Monitoring. Post-approval monitoring is required for all approved IACUC protocols. For protocols running between one and three-year duration, complete an Annual Progress Report for each year of your study. In addition, when the study is finished, submit a Project Completion Report. Submit the form via email to the IACUC Chair in the Spring semester by April 1 for full committee review during the Spring Semi-Annual IACUC meeting. These forms are not available through the Kuali Protocols system.
  5. Guidelines
  6. Other documents

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