Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined as colleges, universities, or systems/districts where total Hispanic enrollment constitutes a minimum of 25% of the total enrollment. Eligibility designation qualifies an institution of higher education to receive grants under the Title V Programs. Within the last decade, CSU Pueblo has received four Title V grants.
Dr. Derek Lopez, Executive Director of Hispanic Serving Initiatives at CSU Pueblo, says, “CSU Pueblo’s mission is to serve our system and our state by closing the educational attainment gap in southern Colorado. We know that far too few of our Hispanic students graduate with a 4-year degree. In fact, while our Hispanic population in Colorado is the fastest-growing demographic, fewer and fewer Hispanic citizens are choosing college. We have to do better. We start this work by ensuring that leadership in higher education is representative of the student populations we serve.”
MAESTRO, “Mastering Academic Excellence, Success, Teaching, and Research Opportunities”
- Amount – $2.6M
- Goal – Increase retention, academic success, and graduation rates
LA CALLE, “Communities Achieving Lifelong Learning Engagement”
- Amount – $3.75M
- Goal – Create academic roadmaps and establish specific pathways that link 2- and 4- year degrees at CSUP and PCC
- Amount – $3.6M
- Goal – Expand graduate programs for Hispanic and low-income students
LA GENTE, “Guided Enrollment for New and Transfer Education”
- Amount – $3M
- Goal – Improve student success by creating academic support structures including career preparation and job placement