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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions


    Do I have to be certified every semester for the VA to pay my tuition and fees for Chapter 33?

    Yes. As a current student, a copy of the schedule allows the MVSC to certify your enrollment. Without a copy of the schedule the student will not be processed to the VA for educational benefits.

    Certification will be sent to the VA within 30 days of the start date of the semester without tuition and fees.

    After census date, the Certifying Official in the MVSC will go back in the students account and add the tuition and fees amounts. You will receive notification of this process from the VA as an amendment.

    What happens if I drop a class after the first day of the term?

    A student can add or drop classes until census date and not be “charged” for the class. After census withdrawal policies apply.

    My enrollment has been certified in the VA office, why don't I have a credit on my account showing Ch.33 Post 9/11 GI BILL is covering my tuition and fees?

    The MVSC will put in Cost of Attendance (Tuition and Fees) after census date. Any refunds, if applicable, from the Financial Aid Office will be processed after that date.

    What is the process for the post 9/11 GI Bill to pay my bill?

    Tuition and fees are sent to the VA after census date. Any drops, adds, or withdraws should be sent to the MVSC as soon as possible so that notification to the VA can be processed in a timely manner. Students who go below full time may affect the housing allowance (BAH).

    What is the last day to submit the required paperwork as a new CSU Pueblo VA Student?

    All new students need to complete required documents into the MVSC before certification of benefits can be sent to the VA. The MVSC Office would like to have an orientation meeting in ADMIN 103A to go over policies and procedures so the students benefits are processed in a timely manner. This can be done within 30 to 60 days prior to the start date of the semester.

    If I do not receive 100% tuition and fee from the Ch.33 Post 9/11 GI Bill, when is my portion due?

    On census date. Usually within 2 weeks of the start of class. A payment plan can be arranged through the Financial Aid Office.

    How does my College Opportunity Fund (COF) affect my VA benefits?

    All Colorado resident students must apply for COF. The VA will not pay for the additional COF tuition amount.

    Why does my Financial Aid go to my tuition bill before my VA benefits?

    The system will automatically show financial aid if the student applied for the FASFA and accepted the award on the account. The MVSC will certify tuition and fees after census date. Any refunds will be accessible to students account after this date.

    What if I get an” F” grade in a class?

    The VA may pay for an “F” grade up to twice in same class. Lower GPA will be applied and reported to the VA and will follow college catalog policies.

    What if I get a “W” in a class?

    The VA will request tuition dollars back regarding the debt. If a student goes below full time status the housing allowance (BAH) may be affected as well. Withdraws “W” does not affect the overall GPA.

    Will the VA pay for a class that doesn't go towards my degree plan?

    No. The VA prohibits coursework that does not count toward the degree.

    Does the VA cover remedial classes?

    Yes. As long as the class is not online.

    Why do I have to set up a payment plan if I am a Chapter 35 student?

    Tuition and fees are due after add/drop. If full payment cannot be made, a payment plan can be set up through the Financial Aid Office. Payment of VA benefit is sent directly to the student and is usually processed in 4 to 6 weeks after VA certification by the MVSC.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

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