Frequently Asked Questions
What is Affirmative Action?
In employment law, affirmative actions are the specific actions taken in advertising, recruitment, hiring, promotion, and other areas which are designed and taken for the purpose of eliminating the present effects of past discrimination. -
How is Equal Opportunity different than Affirmative Action?
Equal Employment Opportunity is a system of employment practices within an employing organization under which individuals are not excluded from any participation, advancement, or benefits because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin or other factor which cannot lawfully be the basis for employment action. It is an employment system in which neither intentional or unintentional discrimination operates. The purpose of affirmative action is to achieve equal employment opportunity. -
What is the difference between Goals and Quotas?
Goals are numerical projections an employer makes of the representation minorities, women and protected class members are likely to achieve in positions in which they have been underutilized, if the employer applies good faith efforts to assure that all aspects of the employer’s affirmative action plan are made to work.In employment law, quotas, are court-ordered hiring and or promoting of specified number or ratios of minorities, women or protected class members in positions from which a court has found they have been excluded as a result of unlawful discrimination. Quotas are not the same as goals, they can only be imposed by a court of law.