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Mental Health Resources for College Students

Active Minds - Changing the Conversation about Mental Health: Nation's premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults

The Jed Foundation: Nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation's teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive today... and tomorrow.

Mental Health IS Health: An MTV Entertainment Group initiative rooted in the reality that we all have mental health and need to take care of it like we do our physical health. The initiative aims to normalize conversation, create a connections to resources, and inspire action on mental health.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Reach Out: A Safe Place to Chat Anonymously, Get Support, & Feel Better

Strength of Us: A part of the NAMI network - Includes young adult discussion groups, OK2Talk and You Are Not Alone blogs and story-sharing sites, and NAMI Air app for sharing stories and receiving feedback.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.
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