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General Education Board

General Education Board


To recommend to the Faculty Senate on matters of general education program development, policies and standards.


  1. Convened by the chair not fewer than five (5) times each academic semester and otherwise as needed.
  2. Oversees all general education courses. Recommends to the Faculty Senate on all course modifications proposed by the electing units’ Curriculum and Academic Program Committees, the Administration or other sources.
  3. Curriculum and course modifications will be submitted through departmental committees, if they exist, to the electing unit’s Curriculum and Academic Program Committee, the appropriate Dean, the Curriculum and Academic Programs Board, the General Education Board, and be forwarded by this Board, with recommendations to the Faculty Senate. This includes all proposals, regardless of their origin, to modify existing language and/or to add new language pertaining to general education in the University Catalog. Upon approval by Faculty Senate per the Voting Procedures in Section (Article V, Section 8 of the Faculty Senate Constitution), the Board Chair is responsible for communicating the required Catalog changes to the office responsible for publication of the University Catalog. The Board Chair is further responsible for verifying that the necessary changes have been made in the subsequent edition of the University Catalog.
  4. Makes provisions for university-wide compliance of General Education courses with existing General Education standards through:
    1. Recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning course additions to and deletions from the General Education Program. Upon approval by Faculty Senate per the Voting Procedures in Section (Article V, Section 8 of the Faculty Senate Constitution), the Board Chair is responsible for communicating the required Catalog changes to the office responsible for publication of the University Catalog. The Board Chair is further responsible for verifying that the necessary changes have been made in the subsequent edition of the University Catalog.
    2. Reviews and evaluates existing standards for the General Education Program.
  5. Proposes updates and improvements for General Education Standards to the Faculty Senate as appropriate.
  6. Assesses student achievement of General Education Standards.
  7. Submits an annual summary report on the state of the General Education Program and Courses to the Faculty Senate.
  8. Performs other duties upon the request of the Executive Committee.



    2010-2011 Academic Year

    • Administered the Proficiency Profile and a locally developed essay to incoming First-Year students and seniors
    • September 17, 2010: A workshop was held for defining/applying critical thinking
    • The NSSE results were released to the campus
    • October 14, 2010: A faculty-led, hands-on critical thinking workshop
    • November 12, 2010: Professional development speaker, Dr. Bill Roberson presented, "Turning Beginners Into Thinkers to Promote Critical Thinking" and "Course and Syllabus Design to Promote Critical Thinking"
    • February 3, 2011: A workshop was held to assist faculty in developing critical thinking rubrics for student assignments
    • March 4, 2011: A group met to share their ideas on connecting discipline-specific critical thinking to general education
    • The general education theme for Academic Year 2011-2012 was developed: Changing World, Changing Roles: Social Responsibility in the 21st Century
    • April 28, 2011: The final Year of Critical Thinking event included a poster session and presentations held at the LARC

    2011-2012 Academic Year

    • August 17, 2011: The General Education Board kicked off the semester with a convocation session which introduced the theme: Changing World Changing Roles-Social Responsibility in the 21st Century, including conversation about social responsibility and strategies for teaching in general education and in the major.
    • September 20, 2011: The first 20/20 Lecture Series was held and included Paul Chacon and Christine Rochester as they addressed the General Education theme.
    • October 11, 2011: "How'd They Do?" This session included discussion of the results for testing incoming freshmen and senior students.
    • October 20, 2011: The second 20/20 Lecture Series featured presentations by Jackie Stroud and John O'Connor. Jackie addressed "Social Responsibility and Historical Research: Taking Care of the Artifacts We Touch" and John addressed "Peter Singer on Global Poverty and Responsibility."
    • November 10, 2011: The third 20/20 Lecture Series featured presentations by Libby Samaras and Joel Johnson. Libby addressed "Stakeholder Dissonance as a Critical Determinant of Patient Safety in New Health Information Technologies" and Joel addressed "Should Voting Be Mandatory? Social Responsibility in Politics."
    • November 11, 2011: The General Education board held a workshop to discuss how we, as educators at a public university, can help our students become more socially responsible scholars in an ever-changing world.

    2012-2013 Academic Year

    • General Education Board announced its theme for the year, Communication & Learning: Transforming Tomorrow's Ethics and Values.
    • September 20, 2012: 1st 20/20 Lecture for the academic year. Kevin Seeber of the library faculty facilitated a webinar sponsored by TurnItIn on plagiarism.
    • October 19, 2012: 2nd 20/20 Lecture was held.
    • Ethics subcommittee was formed including Bruce Lundberg, John O'Connor, Kelly Gehlhoff, and Lee Anne Martinez.
    • January 8, 2013: Spring Convocation Workshop held on "Closing the Loop"
    • January 22, 2013: 3rd 20/20 Lecture presented by John O'Connor
    • February 20, 2013: 4th 20/20 Lecture presented by Bruce Lundberg
    • March 21, 2013: 5th 20/20 Lecture presented by James Ma of the Hasan School of Business
    • April 19, 2013: 6th 20/20 Lecture presented by Rhonda Gonzales and Marc Pratarelli on the topic of Open Access publishing.
    • Spring 2013: Gen Ed Board conducted a Faculty Gen Ed Survey
    • Spring 2013: All Deans and Department Chairs sign off on letter stating that all Gen Ed courses in their college meet GT Pathways content and competency requirements.

    2013-2014 Academic Year

    • General Education Board announced its theme for the year, Thinking Beyond Green: Addressing Sustainability through General Education.
    • October 22, 2013: Campus workshop conducted by Sarah Spencer on ways to incorporate sustainability themes into general education classes.
    • Fall 2013: Gen Ed Board administered CAT Critical Thinking Assessment to Freshman and Seniors
    • November 15, 2013: Gen Ed Board conducts CAT scoring workshops in which CSU-Pueblo faculty members scored CAT tests.
    • February 5, 2014: Sustainability workshop featuring Jane Fraser and Marc Pratarelli was held. At the end of the workshop, the attendees discussed having some small reading groups based on Brian Dunbar's book, which was made available to faculty during a workshop held in the fall.
    • February 12, 2014: Faculty member from UCCS met with Gen Ed Board to describe recent redesign of their Gen Ed program.
    • March 7, 2014: Gen Ed Board held campus forum to present CAT results.
    • March 31, 2014: Gen Ed Board conducted comprehensive Gen Ed course syllabus review.
    • Spring 2014: NSSE administered.

    2014-2015 Academic Year

    • Administered the Proficiency Profile and a locally developed essay to incoming first-year students and seniors.
    • Published template Gen Ed syllabus
    • January 7, 2015: Convocation week workshop for all Gen Ed instructors including a presentation and discussion of topics that should be addressed in all Gen Ed syllabi.
    • Reviewed Gen Ed website for completeness

    2015-2016 Academic Year

    • Reviewed Proficiency Profile Results
    • Scored wellness essays

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