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Boards and Committees

Non-Senate University Boards and Committees: 2024-2025 Membership


    Faculty Disciplinary Action Board

    Faculty Member Member Term Expires
    First tenured faculty member elected by CHEN Roger Clark Aug-2025
    Second tenured faculty member elected by CHEN Jacinda Heintzelman Aug-2026
    First tenured faculty member elected by CHASS Krista Bridgmon Aug-2026
    Second tenured>faculty member elected by CHASS Rich Walker Aug 2026
    First tenured faculty member elected by STEM Bruce Lundberg Aug-2025
    Second tenured faculty member elected by STEM
    First tenured faculty member elected by HSB Aun Hassan Aug-2025
    Second tenured faculty member elected by HSB Aug-
    One tenured faculty member elected by LIB Aug-
    First tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate Aug-
    Second tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate

    Graduate Studies Board ( – advisory to Provost

    Executive Director of the Graduate School John Vasquez n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Chemistry Rick Farrer n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Athletic Training Mary Placzkowski n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Biochemistry Rick Farrer n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Biology Claire Ramos n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Arts in History Grant Weller n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Business Administration Gene Lucero n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Education Jeff Piquette n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Mechatronics Engineering Neb Jaksic n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering Leo Bedoya-Valencia n/a
    Program Director:  Master of Science and DNP in Nursing Jacqueline Itambo n/a
    Senator Representing Faculty Executive Committee (elected by Senate - one-year term) Kevin VanWinkle Aug-2025
    Program Director: Master of Social Work n/a

    Grievance Panel ( – seeks to resolve all filed grievances through conflict resolution

    Tenured Faculty Member Member Term Expires
    First tenured faculty member elected by CHEN Daniel Bowan Aug-2026
    Second tenured faculty member elected by CHEN Christine Rochester Aug-2027
    First tenured faculty member elected by CHASS Jonathan Rees Aug-2026
    Second tenured faculty member elected by CHASS Barbara Brett-Green Aug-2026
    First tenured faculty member elected by STEM Stephen Aldrich Aug-2026
    Second tenured faculty member elected by CSM Aug-
    First tenured faculty member elected by HSB Kevin Duncan Aug-2025
    Second tenured faculty member elected by HSB Roohid Ahmed Syed Aug-2026
    One tenured faculty member elected by LIB Aug-
    First tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate Aug-
    Second tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate (vacant)
    Third tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate
    Fourth tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate
    Fifth tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate
    Sixth tenured faculty-at-large elected by Faculty Senate
    NOTE: At-large faculty can not also serve as unit representatives.
    Mediators (minimum of six; three-year terms, can not also serve on GP) Term Expires
    University Grievance Officer Moussa Diawara Jul-2026

    Library Board ( – advises Dean of Library

    Faculty Member Term Expires
    Dean of University Library (ex-officio, non-voting) Rhonda Gonzales n/a
    One ASG member (appointed by ASG Senate)
    One Graduate Student (appointed by GSB?)
    One at-large full-time lecturer (elected by Faculty Senate) Aug-2022
    One Administrative Professional Representative (selected by Admin-Pro Council) John Redmond-Palmer Aug-2025
    CHASS ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Audrey Taylor Aug-2026
    CHEN ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Bill Gustashaw Aug-2026
    STEM ranked faculty appointed by Dean) George Bruhn Aug-2025
    HSB ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Ida Whited Aug-2025
    First library faculty (appointed by Dean) Beth Baeza Aug-2025
    Second library faculty (appointed by Dean) Stacie Khoury Aug-2026
    One at-large full-time lecturer (elected by Faculty Senate)

    Scholarly Activities Board ( – advises Provost

    Scholarly Activites Board Member Term Expires
    One College Dean (appointed by Provost) David Lehmpuhl n/a
    Faculty Director of Research and Sponsored Program (ex-officio) John Vasquez n/a
    One at-large ranked academic faculty member (elected by Faculty Senate) Aug-
    CHEN ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Daniel Bowan Aug-2026
    CHASS ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Young Ji Yoon Aug-2026
    STEM ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Max Wallace Aug-2026
    HSB ranked faculty (appointed by Dean) Heboong Kwon Aug-2025
    LIB faculty (appointed by Dean) Aug-2025
    Faculty Senate Representative (elected by Senate - one year term) Daniel Bowan Aug-2025

    Academic Appeals Board ( – Considers academic appeals submitted by students

    Academic Appeals Board Member Term Expires
    Provost or Provost's appointee (voting on all appeals) Lisa Chavez n/a
    Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or appointed representative (non-voting on grade appeals) Tiffany Kingrey n/a
    First student appointed by ASG (non-voting on grade appeals) Darryl Spade
    Second student appointed by ASG (non-voting on grade appeals)
    Representative of the University APSB (one-year term) Pam Richmond Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty member elected by CHEN Vicki Piquette Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by CHASS Yunhan Zhao Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by STEM Sam Gockel Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by HSB TBA Aug-2026

    Student Affairs Board of Advisors

    Student Affairs Board of Advisors Member Term Expires
    Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (ex-officio) n/a
    President of the Faculty Senate or appointed representative from Faculty Senate (ex-officio, non-voting, one year term)

    Teacher Education Board ( – Advises Teacher Education Program

    NOTE: All positions to be confirmed with appointing program 

    Teacher Education Board Member Term Expires
    Associate Dean, CEEPS (ex-officio) Jeff Piquette n/a
     Secondary/K-12 Certification Program Representatives
    Ranked Faculty from Art (appointed by Department Chair) Vicky Hansen Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty from English (appointed by Department Chair) Aug-
    Ranked Faculty from Foreign Languages (appointed by Department Chair) Alegria Ribadeneira Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty from Mathematics (appointed by department Chair) Aug-
    Ranked Faculty from Physical Education (appointed by Department Chair) Christine Rochester Aug-2025
    Ranked Faculty from Music (appointed by Department Chair) David Volk Aug-2023
    Ranked Faculty from Science (appointed by Department Chair) Aug-
    Ranked Faculty from Social Studies (appointed by Department Chair) Aug-
     Liberal Studies Core Areas Representatives (Core areas with secondary and K-12 licensure programs do not require additional members )
    Ranked Faculty from Art (appointed by department Chair) Vicky Hansen Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty from English (appointed by department Chair) Yvonne Montoya Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty from History (appointed by department Chair) Aug-
    Ranked Faculty from Mathematics (appointed by department Chair) Bruce Lundberg Aug-2025
    Ranked Faculty from Music (appointed by department Chair) Mark Hudson Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty from Science (appointed by department Chair) Rick Farrer Aug-2025
    Teacher Education Program Representatives
    Ranked Faculty representing Elementary Education (appointed by Dean) Vicki Piquette Aug-2026
    Ranked Faculty representing Secondary Education (appointed by Dean) Emily Mulvihill Aug-2026

    University Board on Diversity and Equality ( – Advises President

    University Board on Diversity and Equality ( – Advises President Member Term Expires
    Director of Affirmative Action/Diversity (ex -officio) ex-officio
    Faculty Senate Representative Aug-
    Faculty At Large (any rank) Aug-
    Faculty At Large (ranked) Aug-
    Student At Large Aug-
    Associate Student Government Aug-
    Administrative Professional Council Aug-
    Representative of Classified Council (selected by Classified Staff Council) Aug-

University Boards Recommending to Senate: 2024-2025 Membership


    Academic Policies and Standards Board ( – Recommends to Senate

    Academic Policies and Standards Board ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Provost Appointee (ex-officio) Helen Caprioglio n/a
    Enrollment Management Representation Tiaramarie Banham n/a
    ASG Member (appointed by ASG Senate) Aug-
    Ranked faculty from CHEN  Margie Day Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from CHASS Pam  Richmond Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from STEM Rick Kreminski Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty from HSB Yaneth Correa-Martinez Aug-2025
    Senator from CHE Daniel Bowan Aug-2025
    Senator from CHASS Jen Bruton Aug-2025
    Senator from STEM Truong Duong Aug-2025
    Senator from LIB Stacie Khoury Aug-2025
    Senator representing Faculty Executive Committee Heather Brown Aug-2025
    Senator from Nursing Heather Brown Aug-2025
    One representative from Financial Aid, (ex-officio) Monica Hardwick n/a

    All minutes can be found in the following folder:

    • I:\University Common\Academic Policies and Standards Board

    Curriculum and Academic Programs Board ( – Recommends to Senate

    Curriculum and Academic Programs Board website

    Curriculum and Academic Programs Board ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Provost or Provost Appointee (ex-officio) Helen Caprioglio n/a
    Registrar (ex-officio) Tiara-Marie Banham n/a
    ASG Member (appointed by ASG Senate)
    First ranked faculty from CHE Karen Krepps Aug-2025
    Second ranked faculty from CHE Brandon Fox Aug-2026
    First ranked faculty from CHASS Susan Calhoun-Stuber Aug-2025
    Second ranked faculty from CHASS Judy Gaughan Aug-2025
    First ranked faculty from STEM Husam Alshareef (Chair) Aug-2026
    Second ranked faculty from STEM Neb Jaksic Aug-2026
    First ranked faculty from HSB Vacant Aug-2024
    Senator representing Faculty Executive Committee Rich Walker Aug-2025
    One ranked faculty from LIB Beth Baeza Aug-2026

    General Education Board ( – Recommends to Senate

    General Education Board ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
     Provost or Provost Appointee (ex-officio, non-voting) Helen Caprioglio n/a
    Registrar (ex-officio) Carol Larson n/a
    One Academic Dean Rhonda Gonzales n/a
    ASG Member (appointed by ASG Senate) May-
    Ranked faculty from CHEN Bethany Kies-Bolkema  Aug-2026

    Faculty from STEM (nominated, confirmed by Senate) Social Science

    Faculty from STEM (nominated, confirmed by Senate) Humanities

    Faculty from STEM (nominated, confirmed by Senate) Quantitative Reasoning

    Joel Johnson (SS)

    Joel Johnson (H)

    Tammy Watkins







    Ranked faculty from STEM George Bruhn Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from HSB Brad Gilbreath Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty from LIB Aug-2025
    Senator representing Faculty Executive Committee  Brad Gilbreath Aug-2025
    Adjunct non-voting (STEM) Vacant
    Joel Johnson Chair Aug-2025

    Information Technology Board ( – Recommends to Senate

    Information Technology Board ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Chief Information Technology Officer or appointed designee (ex-officio) n/a
    University Instructional Design Specialist (ex-officio) Adam Pocius n/a
    One Classified employee at large  n/a
    Associated Student Government Member (appointed by ASG Senate) Rudy Gachette Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty member elected by CHE Margie Massey  Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by CHASS Jonathan Rees Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by STEM Mario Izaguirre Sierra Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty member elected by HSB Pat Radigan Aug-2025
    Ranked academic faculty member from LIB Jungmin Byun Aug-2024
    At large ranked academic faculty member elected by Faculty Senate Margie Massey Aug-2026
    -Senator representing Faculty Executive Committee Pat Radigan (Chair) Aug-2025

Senate Estate Committees 2024-2025


    Committee on Shared Governance ( – All senators

    Committee on Shared Governance ( – All senators Member Term Expires
    Ranked faculty from CHEN (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Tim Peters Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from CHASS (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Michael Briscoe Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from STEM (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) David Dillon  Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty from HSB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Brad Gilbreath Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty from LIB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Jungmin Byun Aug-2025
    Senator to serve on Executive Committee (one year term) David Dillon Aug-2025
    Chair Tim Peters Aug-2025

    Faculty Compensation Committee ( – Recommends to Senate

    Faculty Compensation Committee ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Ranked faculty from CHEN (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Mary Placzkowski Aug-2025
    Ranked faculty from CHASS (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Matt Harris Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from STEM (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Husam Alshareef Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from HSB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Mike Wakefield Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from LIB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Beth Baeza Aug-2026
    Senator to serve on Executive Committee (one-year term) Margie Massey Aug-2025
    Chair Margie Massey Aug-2025

    Faculty Handbook Committees ( – All senators

    Faculty Handbook Committees ( – All senators Member Term Expires
    Senator from CHE (elected by CHEN Senators - one-year term) Margie Massey Aug-2025
    Senator from CHASS (elected by CHASS Senators - one-year term) Jon Pluskota Aug-2026
    Senator from STEM (elected by STEM Senators - one-year term) Claire Ramos Aug-2025
    Senator from HSB (elected by HSB Senators - one-year term) Vacant Aug-2024
    Senator from LIB (elected by LIB Senators - one-year term) Victor Baeza Aug-2025
    Senator from Nursing (elected by NUR Senators - one-year term) Heather Kuykendall Aug-2025
    One non-voting administrative liaison appointed by the Provost from the Deans' Council n/a
    Chair Margie Massey Aug-2025

    Faculty Procedures and Policies Committee ( – Recommends to Senate

    Faculty Procedures and Policies Committee ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Ranked faculty from CHE (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Brandon Fox Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from CHASS (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Pam Richmond Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from STEM (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) Amaya Garcia Costas Aug 2025
    Ranked faculty from HSB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) He-Boong Kwon Aug-2026
    Ranked faculty from LIB (elected by unit, confirmed by Senate) TBD Aug-2024
    Senator to serve on Executive Committee (one-year term)


    Senate Executive Committee ( – Recommends to Senate

    Senate Executive Committee ( – Recommends to Senate Member Term Expires
    Faculty Senate President Margie Massey Aug-2025
    Faculty Senate Vice-President Jon Pluskota Aug-2025
    Faculty Senate Secretary Pat Radigan Aug-2025
    Board of Governors Representative (ex-officio) Jon Pluskota Aug-2025
    CFAC Representative (ex-officio) May-2021

    Outgoing Faculty Senate President (ex-officio and non-voting unless still officer)

    Margie Massey

    Chair of Committee on Faculty Handbook Committee (ex-officio and non-voting) Margie Massey Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the APSB (ex-officio and non-voting) Jen Bruton Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the CAPB (ex-officio and non-voting) Rich Walker Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the GEB (ex-officio and non-voting) Brad Gilbreath Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the GSB (ex-officio and non-voting) Grant Weller Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the ITB (ex-officio and non-voting) Pat Radigan Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the FCC (ex-officio and non-voting) Margie Massey Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the FPPC (ex-officio and non-voting) Grant Weller Aug-2025
    Senate Representative of the Committee on Shared Governance (ex-officio and non-voting) David Dillon Aug-2025

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