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Emergency Flip Chart


    Emergency Contacts

    In Case of Emergnecy Dial 911

    Campus Safety & Parking..................... 719.549.2373

    Non-emergency/ Pueblo County
    Sheriff’s Office (PCSO)......................... 719.583.6250

    Student Health & Counseling Center... 719.549.2830

    Campus Main Number ........................ 719.549.2100

    Campus Safe Walk Program................ 719.549.2373

    Environmental Health &
    Safety Officer/Designee........................ 719.549.2211

    Pueblo Crimestoppers (Tip Line)......... 719.542.7867
    Campus Crime Tip Line

    (Confidential Message Line)................. 719.549.2376

    CSU-Pueblo Home Page.............


    Weather Emergencies and Campus Closure Info


    • Take shelter in a basement or the smallest, most interior room or hallway on the lowest level.
    • Avoid glass enclosed places or areas with wide span roofs such as auditoriums and gymnasiums.
    • Crouch down and cover your head.
    • DO NOT try to leave campus in your vehicle or on foot.
    • Wait for instructions from authorized personnel.

    Campus Closure Information

    The decision to close the University due to inclement
    weather will be made by the University and will be
    posted online at,
    via social media, and shared with local media,
    television, and radio stations.

    A message will be sent via the emergency text
    message system for any campus closure.


    Medical Emergencies

    In The Event of A Medical Emergency

    1. Remain calm and call 911
      • The call will go to the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center.
    2. Immediately identify your location
      at CSU-Pueblo
      • Provide:
        • Your name and telephone number.
        • Location of the incident/accident and
          the nature of the illness or injury.
        • The communications officer will then
          send the appropriate personnel to
          the scene.
    3. DO NOT move the injured person
      or give first aid unless you are
      trained and certified to do so.
      • Remain with the injured person.
      • Try to keep them calm and alert by
        talking until emergency responders

    Person or Circumstance of Concern

    Suspicious Activity

    • Call 911 regarding a person or
      circumstance of concern, including:
      • Persons who are behaving erratically.
      • Persons believed to be under the
        influence of alcohol or drugs.
      • Persons carrying weapons.
    • Once reported remain calm
      and, if possible, leave the area.
      The PCSO will investigate the report and,
      if necessary, the campus will be placed on
      lock down status.
    • During the lock down status,
      staff and students should
      secure the room door immediately.
      • If you can’t secure the door to the room
        you occupy, you may have to put a desk
        or other object against the door.
      • Keep quiet and remain at that location
        until instructed otherwise by the PCSO
        or other law enforcement.



    • Alert people in the immediate area of the fire and evacuate.
    • Activate the fire alarm at the nearest pull station.
    • Evacuate the building.
    • Notify the PCSO or call 911 immediately. Always call from a safe location.
    • Do not use elevators unless specifically directed to do so by authorized personnel.
    • If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed.
    • Stay away from glass or windows.
    • Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by authorized personnel.

    Bomb Threat

    All bomb threats are to be
    taken seriously.

    Call the PCSO at 911 immediately.

    If you receive a bomb threat by telephone,
    remain calm, write down the caller’s exact words
    and note the time of the call.

    Ask the caller:

    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Where is the bomb?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What will cause it to explode?
    • Did you place the bomb?
    • What is your name and address?

    If you receive a bomb threat in written form:

    • Do a quick visual inspection of your area.
    • Do not touch any suspicious objects.
    • Do not use radios, pagers or cell phones
      as they can trigger explosive devices.
    • Go to a safe area and call 911.
    If told to evacuate the area, take your notes
    about the incident with you.

    Evacuating Persons with Disabilities

    Faculty, staff and students should be proactive and aware of people who will need assistance.

    Assisting Blind / Visually Impaired:
    • Clearly announce the type of emergency.
    • Offer your arm for guidance.
    • Tell the person where you are going, and alert him or her to obstacles along the way.

    Assisting Deaf / Hearing Impaired:

    • Get the person’s attention using visible
      communication or touch.
    • Indicate directions with gestures or a written note.
    • Ask if they need assistance.
    Assisting Mobility Impaired:
    • Elevators should not be used. Please find the
      nearest stairway.
    • Do not attempt to lift a person out of a wheelchair.
    • Ask if they need assistance, If so, seek volunteers
      to assist persons with physical disabilities to the
      nearest enclosed stairway or designated area for
      rescue assistance.
    • Others should advise emergency personnel of
      the location of the individual(s) so that
      evacuation can be completed.
    • If an imminently dangerous situation exists and
      the person needs assistance to evacuate before
      emergency personnel arrive, find volunteers
      to help evacuate the person.

    Hazardous Material / Natural Gas Leak

    Hazardous Material Spill:

    Signs are posted outside all rooms containing
    hazardous materials or equipment.

    Only qualified personnel should handle an accidental
    spill of hazardous materials.

    If you discover a spill, remain calm.
    Do not touch the material.
    If possible, isolate the area by blocking it off or
    closing the doors.

    Call 911 with the following information:

    • Where did the spill occur?
    • What was spilled?
    • How much was spilled?
    • Are there any injuries?

    If the spill occurs inside the building,
    pull the closest fire pull station
    and follow evacuation procedures.

    If the spill occurs outside a building,
    evacuate the area around the spill.

    • Emergency responders will
      provide further instructions.

    Natural Gas Leak:

    CAUTION – DO NOT use a phone or
    any type of electronic devices
    near the suspected leak area.

    Immediately evacuate the building and
    areas in the vicinity of the suspected leak.

    Notify PCSO at 549-2373 AND
    the Facility Services Office at 549-2211.

    Make sure that all evacuees are
    at least 5,000 feet away from the building.

    DO NOT re-enter the building until you have
    been instructed to by emergency personnel.

    The Environmental Health and Safety Officer/Designee
    will consult with campus administration about
    the need to close a specific campus building or
    the entire campus.


    Active Assailant

    Active Assailant

    • Avoid
      • Starts with your state of mind.  Always be aware of your surroundings.  Know the exits to the buildings, offices, classrooms, etc. you are in and have a primary and secondary exit plan. 
      • If possible, evacuate or avoid the area as quickly as possible.  Move away from the threat as quickly and safely as possible.
      • Contact 911.
      • Provide descriptions, locations, any information that may be pertinent to law enforcement personnel.
    • DENY
      • LOCKDOWN
        • Lights off, doors locked, seek cover, barricade the room you are in if possible.
        • Silence your cell phones.
        • Keep any occupants calm, quiet and out of sight.
        • Ignore any fire alarms.
      • Deny access to your location and create space between yourself and the assailant. 
    • DEFEND
      • If you are unable to avoid and deny, be prepared to defend yourself.
      • Be aggressive, using any means possible to fight off the attacker.
      • Improvise weapons and be committed to your actions.
      • You have the right to defend yourself.

    Remember: First responding officers WILL NOT STOP to aid wounded or injured.  They will continue on to stop the threat.

    Once officers arrive at your secured location, keep your hands empty and in plain view at all times.

    • Follow the officer’s directions exactly and carry nothing that could be mistaken for a weapon.
    • Rescue teams will arrive after the first responding officers and move everyone to a safe area.
    • Keep quiet and remain at that location until instructed otherwise by the PCSO or other law enforcement agency.
    Active Assailant Response includes
    ANY and ALL Weapons!
    Contact 911 Immediately
    You can also contact CSU Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office at 719-549-2373.
    An alert notification will be made with instructions.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142

Pueblo County Sheriff's Office at CSU-Pueblo

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