In Fall 2021, CSU Pueblo migrated from AIS/PAWS student information system to Banner. Banner will improve student service capabilities, and is supporting alignment within the CSU System.
Teams in Pueblo and Fort Collins are streamlining processes to create efficiency and a CSU System experience for students who attend both campuses.
In addition to enhancing student services, once fully implemented and adopted, Banner will enable our faculty and staff to do their jobs more efficiently. As the campus expands its use of the new system, we anticipate growing benefits from automation, shared services and support with our CSU System campuses, and enhanced reporting capabilities.
FACULTY & STAFF: Access & Banner Environments
Two environments of Banner exist for CSU Pueblo. This chart illustrates how access is primarily administered. Depending on your role on campus, they are:
- Self-Service Banner (SSB): Students, instructors and advisors will be able to log into PAWS and click the Self-Service Banner (SSB) link. Access is available on any stable internet network. In Self-Service Banner (SSB), you will find student profile information, course rosters, and advising information.
- Banner Production (PROD) pages: Faculty and staff who are not an instructor or advisor will be accessing Banner through the Banner application instead of Self-Service Banner. Access to these pages requires a VPN/LogMeIn. To update your access in Banner Production (PROD), a specialized form will need to be completed. Each Banner Production (PROD) access form will vary depending on your role at CSU Pueblo. For questions, please reach out to Brianna Moorman (
Banner Resource Applications
Self-Paced Training
Self-paced training for Banner is available to all Faculty & Staff via Blackboard. Additional modules will release as we reach potential new Banner milestones. If you are unable to access Blackboard after training begins, please submit a ticket request with IT to check on your account.
LIVE Training Schedule
In addition to training options in Blackboard, the Registrar’s Office and Banner Team will be hosting training sessions front time-to-time. Please see LIVE Training Schedule for more information.