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Immunization and Screening

How do I find my immunization records (PDF)?

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccinations

Colorado state law requires that all students enrolled for one or more classes and born on or after January 1, 1957 must provide proof of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella prior to enrollment. The completed Immunization record must:
  • Show proof of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) given no earlier than 4 days before the students first birthday. There must be at least 28 calendar days between the two vaccinations.
  • Include the day, month and year of vaccinations
  • Be signed by a doctor, nurse, or school official and dated after the last MMR.
  • Be translated into English

Note: Please send proof of two MMR vaccines, a lab titer to prove immunity, or an exemption form to

The MMR exemption form can be found at The non-medical exemption form requires a provider signature OR the completion of the online education module linked on the website indicated previously. 

Note: If laboratory evidence is used for proof of immunity, the test result(s) must be attached (showing range of immunity). CSU Pueblo Wolfpack Wellness Center will not accept a statement by a doctor or parent stating that a student had the disease. You must have documentation of vaccination or a laboratory test of immunity. If you fail to submit acceptable documents within 14 DAYS of your first semester, a hold will be placed on your registration. Please take this form to your physician or previous school for completion and proof of immunizations.

This vaccine is NOT offered at Wolfpack Wellness Center. For information regarding this vaccine, please contact your physician or Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment 719.583.4300.

Although this is not a required vaccine, it is strongly recommended that students have it. Here are some guidelines to consider:
  • Entering college students who elect to decrease their risk for meningococcal disease
  • Students 30 years of age or under who request vaccination in order to decrease their risk of disease (and who are not pregnant). The highest priority should be for students 18 to 24 years of age. Students 25 years of age or older have a much lower risk of disease.
  • Students with medical conditions that compromise immunity (e.g., HIV, absent spleen, antibody deficiency)
  • Students traveling to areas of the world with endemic meningococcal disease (primarily sub-Saharan Africa)

Tuberculosis - TB Skin Test Facts Sheet
This screening is required for certain majors. Please check with your advisor. Skin test is available at CSU Pueblo Wolfpack Wellness Center

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Information Sheet
This vaccine is offered at CSU Pueblo Wolfpack Wellness Center.

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WolfPack Wellness Center

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