Program Admissions

There are no specific requirements for admission to the Spanish program, however, students who have prior exposure to Spanish through family interaction or previous studies need to be placed in the appropriate course for their level.
- Students who have taken no Spanish in high school or at another institution of higher learning should begin with SPN 101.
- Students who have taken Spanish in high school but not at another institution of higher learning must take a placement exam to determine their proper placement.
- Heritage Spanish speakers (that is, students who speak Spanish at home to a greater or lesser extent), students with significant Spanish immersion experience, and students who have taken Spanish courses at other institutions of higher learning, must meet with a Spanish advisor in order to determine correct placement. The advisor will place the student based on any of the following or a combination thereof: an oral interview, a placement exam, a written composition.
CSU Pueblo is a moderately selective institution, and we are committed to providing access to a 4-year college degree to any student who is academically prepared. We look at several factors to determine your preparation, including assessment scores, life experience, GPA, and academic rigor.