Compliance and Review Boards

Welcome to the Compliance and Review Boards website.
Animal Care
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Committee Members
- Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns
Forms to be completed by PI:
- Protocol Review Form - to be completed for new research/teaching proposals
- Project Completion Form – to be completed at the end of the approved project
- IACUC Research Project In Progress Form - 2013
Other Documents:
Animal Care and Use Website:
Useful Biosafety Websites:
Human Subjects
For the human subjects, the PI will need two forms:
- Use the CSUP Institutional Review Board Research Application Form as the basis for your application to conduct human research. This form is new, temporary, and represents the questions that will be used in the Kuali IRB module currently in development and slated for activation in Spring 2021. Once that occurs this page will be altered to direct you into the module. At that point in time direct communication with the CSUP IRB Chair by email will no longer be required for submission.
- A Consent Form must also typically be submitted along with the IRB – Institutional Review Board Research Application Form for projects involving human subjects research.
- If the PI answers “no” to any of the items (#1 - #8) in Section B of the IRB – Institutional Review Board Research Application Form, please review the CSUP IRB Policies and Procedures. A more general review of human research procedures can be found here.
- For the time being, simply alter the application word document with your responses, then copy, sign, and scan the page where you add your signature, and then submit the application, along with supporting materials, directly to the CSUP IRB Chair by email.
- Please use the most applicable consent template found on the CSU RICRO site. Please note that references made to the CSU RICRO must be altered to refer to the CSUP IRB Chair.
- If you need further help determining if your project requires IRB approval, please contact the IRB Chair, Dr. George Dallam, at 719.549.2619 or
Expected timelines for processing IRB - Institutional Review Board Research Approval Forms:
- Exempt protocols: 7 – 10 working days
- Expedited protocols: ~ 3 weeks
- Full board protocols: No less than 30 days
- Course/Multi-student protocols: depends on the number of proposals and status; please contact the IRB Chair, Dr. George Dallam, at 719.549.2619 or prior to submission.
Useful Human Subject Web Sites
The University complies with all Federal Regulations that require formal training in various areas, researchers should either be aware of these requirements or contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs for advice.