Lee Anne Martínez Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology

Specialties: Chicano health; women's bodies and health; general issues in biology.
Research Interests
Diawara, M.M., J.S. Litt, D. Unis, N. Alfonso, L.A. Martínez, J.G. Crock, D.B. Smith, J. Carsella. 2006. Arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in surface soils, Pueblo, Colorado: Implications for population health risk. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 28(4): 297-315.
Martínez, L.A. 2005. Earth, wind and fire – living in the age of global climate change, The Pueblo Chieftain, 7 August.
Martínez, L.A. 2004. Barbara McClintock. in Encyclopedia of Genetics, vol. II, Bryan Ness (ed.), Salem Press, Pasadena, p. 743.
Martínez, L.A. 1999. Biological determinism. in Encyclopedia of Genetics, Jeffrey A. Knight (ed.), Salem Press, Pasadena, pp. 53-54.
Cossé, A.A., J.L. Todd, J.G. Millar, L.A. Martínez, and T.C. Baker. 1995. Electroantennographic and coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic responses of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, to male-produced volatiles and mango odor. Journal of Chemical Ecology 21 (11): 1823-1836.
Martínez, L.A., M.W. Silver, J.M. King and A.L. Alldredge. 1983. Nitrogen fixation by floating diatom mats: a source of new nitrogen to oligotrophic ocean waters. Science 221: 152-154.
Martínez, L.A., M.A.R. Koehl, P.M. Wise, and S.R. Kephart. Networking and mentors, Women Evolving Biological Sciences Symposium (WEBS), panel presentation, Pack Forest, WA, 19 October 2008.
Martínez, L.A., D.R. Caprioglio, L.A. Herrera, and J.A. Lake. The use of molecular techniques to explore nitrogen fixation and utilization among freshwater phytoplankton. Astrobiology Scientific Conference (poster presentation), Santa Clara, CA, 15 April 2008.
Martínez, L.A. 2007. The use of near real-time data for research and teaching at an Hispanic Serving Institution: Leveling the playing field.American Meteorological Society of America, 88th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Extended Abstract (http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/128739.pdf).
Martínez, L.A. Tribulations and tradeoffs: the influence of predation pressure on the size and behavior of mayfly nymphs, Director’s Visiting Scientist, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, 12 December 2003.
Martínez, L.A. The seven deadly dangers of life as an underrepresented minority woman in the sciences, Director’s Visiting Scientist, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, 9 December 2003.
Martínez, L.A., S. Lehman, D. Caprioglio, F. Rodriguez and Y. Matsuoka. The use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA to assess genetic variation between populations of mayfly nymphs with differing behavioral responses to the risk of predation. Colorado Wyoming Academy of Sciences, University of Southern Colorado, 15 April 2000.
Martínez, L.A. 1987. Morphological and behavioral evidence for chemoreception by predaceous stonefly nymphs and their mayfly prey. In S.D. Roper and J. Atema (eds.), Olfaction and Taste IX, Annals of the New York Academy of Sci.; vol. 510, pp. 462-465.