- Arizona State University, MSW, 1979
- University of Southern Colorado, BS Behavioral Science and Psychology, 1977
Research Interests
Other Activities
Exhibits & Advisory:
2020-2021: Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment Community Health Assessment (CHA Steering Committee. (Invited)
2020: Colorado History Project and the El Pueblo Museum: Recognized as a Colorado Chicana for 2020. Pictures of selected women were placed on a blanket and on display at the El Pueblo museum. Several speaking events were planned and due to COVID they were postponed.
2020 identified as a Chicana Activist of Colorado, and in Martinez-Martinez, D. (2020) Chicana activists of Colorado: Powerful women paper dolls and their stories. CO: Vanishing Horizons. Speaking event were scheduled and postponed due to COVID.
12/2020-present (CHAIR) Cinco de Mayo Youth Leadership Conference Planning Committee.
(2016-current) Colorado State University Pueblo, Chicano Archives, and subcommittee: Education and Marketing
Current-2016, Pueblo Cinco de Mayo Organizing Committee, servicing southern Colorado and providing a vast array of cultural, educational and social experience for Cinco de Mayo.
2019 & 2018 Pueblo Chicano Movement Committee. Involved with organization and planning permanent exhibit of the Chicano Movement in Colorado and Pueblo a.k.a. El Movimiento Colorado De Pueblo-to-Pueblo Community College September 2018
Baca, J., Carrillo, C., DiPrince, D. Duran, D., Estrada, V. Montoya, F. A., & Ortega, J. (2017). Salt Creek Memory Project: Connecting Preservation, Museum and Community. Saving Places Conference: Preservation for a Changing Colorado.
Salt Creek Oral History Project advisory committee to focus on an El Pueblo Museum Exhibit opened September 16, 2016.
El Movimiento de Pueblo Advisory Committee, El Pueblo Museum and Colorado Historical Society, The Chicano Movement in Colorado and Pueblo exhibit opened January 22, 2016.
Consulting, Training Activities:
Summer 2020: Diversity Training for Crossroads Drug and Alcohol Program.
Baca, J, & Reilly Sandoval, A. (2019). Ecomaps and Genograms Training, Colorado Mental Health Institute-Pueblo. Professional Training. (Invitation).
Publications, & Reports:
Baca, J., Franta, J., Murtugh, L. & Clark. C. (Dec/2017). Cannabis: Social Use Survey. Pueblo County Social Impact Studies: Health
Baca, J., Fanta, J. Leslie & Carey. (2017). Cannabis Social Use survey approved July, 2017 and current on line.
Baca, J. (Aug/2017). A Preliminary Report: Exploratory Study on Social and Cultural Use of Marijuana
Presentations & Proposals:
Baca, J. Denver, Co. (October,2019) Discovering Memories from the Past to Learn about the strength of a Community. Southwest Social Science Association. San Diego, CA.
Baca, J. (September, 2019). From Folk Healing to Alternative Health Care. Pueblo Heritage Museum. Pueblo, CO. (Invitation).
Baca, J. (2019). Salt Creek: A Sociocultural Perspective. Colorado Latino/a Heritage Project, Boulder, CO.
Baca, J. (2019), From Salado to Salt Creek. High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference: Denver, CO.
Baca, J. (April, 2019). Salt Creek. Colorado Hispanic Heritage, University of Colorado. (invitation).
Baca, J. (2018) proposal submission: Salt Creek Journey into the Past, Colorado Preservation, and accepted to Present February 2019.
Fall.2018 Invited to Present on Folk Healing and Salt Creek. Exact title TBA for the fall of 2019 by the Historical Society.
Baca, J. (Fall/2018) Keynote speaker: Women in the Military, Dolores Huerta High School Veteran’s Program
Baca, J. (2018). Curanderismo. Invited to present, CHASS Indigenous Series, Colorado State University Pueblo’s Library.
Baca, J. M., Carson, K., Montoya, F. A. & (2017). Salt Creek Memory Project. Pikes Peak Regional History Symposium: Enduring Legacies and Forgotten Landmarks.
Keynote Speaker: (11.11.17) Invited to give a presentation on Women in the Military for
Veteran’s Day.
Baca, J. M., Carson, K., Montoya, F. A. & (2017). Salt Creek Memory Project. Pikes Peak Regional History Symposium: Enduring Legacies and Forgotten Landmarks.
Baca, J., Carrillo, C., DiPrince, D. Duran, D., Estrada, V. Montoya, F. A., & Ortega, J. (2017). Salt Creek Memory Project: Connecting Preservation, Museum and Community. Saving Places Conference: Preservation for a Changing Colorado.
Baca, J. (2017). Curanderismo and indigenous Healing. Native Voices: Native peoples’ concepts and Healing. part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the American Library Association and Colorado State University Pueblo’s Library.
Baca, J. M. (2016). Education & Racism. High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology. Denver, CO.
Baca, J. (2016). Chicano Folklore. Cinco de Mayo. El Pueblo Museum
Baca, J. M. (2016). Chicano/as: A legacy of Change or an Illusion of Progress? Southwest Social Science Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.