Carla Zimmerman (Larson), Ph.D
Associate Professor, Psychology

Research Interests
I am a social psychologist whose work primarily focuses on the experience of ostracism - being ignored and excluded by others. I study who is ostracized, how people respond to ostracism, and how they cope with the experience.
Undergraduate students interested in gaining research experience are welcome to apply for a research assistantship by the first week of the semester. Email me for more information on current projects or to apply.
Zimmerman, C.A., Carter-Sowell, A.R., & Ganesan, A. (2021). Confrontation as an interpersonal response to ostracism. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Carter-Sowell A.R., Ganesan A., Williams M.S., & Zimmerman C.A. (2021). Ostracism in the Diverse Workplace: Experiences of Different Racial/Ethnic Groups and Immigrant Employees. In: Liu C., Ma J. (eds) Workplace Ostracism. Palgrave Explorations in Workplace Stigma. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
He, Y., Zimmerman, C.A., Carter-Sowell, A.R., & Payne, S. (2020). It’s the reoccurring thoughts that matter: How rumination over ostracism at the workplace affects job attitudes. Occupational Health Science, 4, 519–540.
Zimmerman, C.A., Carter-Sowell, A.R., & Xu, X. (2016). Examining workplace ostracism experiences in academia: Understanding how gender differences in the faculty ranks influence inclusive climates on campus. Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational Psychology.
Carter-Sowell, A. R., Dickens, D. D., Miller, G., & Zimmerman, C. A. (2016). Present but Not Accounted For: Examining How Marginalized Intersectional Identities Create a Double Bind for Women of Color in the Academy. In J. Ballenger, B. Irby & B. Polnick (Eds.), Girls and Women of Color in STEM: Navigating the Double Bind. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Carter-Sowell, A. R., & Zimmerman, C. A. (2015). Hidden in plain sight: Locating, validating, and advocating the stigma experiences of women of color. Sex Roles. doi:10.1007/s11199-015-0529-2.
Zimmerman, C.A., Carter-Sowell, A.R., & Plankey-Videla, N. (2015). Job Discrimination Experiences: Issues of Diversity and Social Justice. In Thompson, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publications, Inc.
See my ResearchGate profile for a list of publications and access to full-text: