Frequently Asked Questions
Questions will arise as we continue to implement Kuali Student, and we will answer those as quickly as possible. To submit a question and have the answer published to the FAQ page, click here "Have a CM Question?" If you prefer your question not be published, please include a note to that affect in the body of your message.
CM Basic Functions:
What is Kuali Student Curriculum Management (CM)?
CM is a cloud based system that enables CSU-Pueblo to manage curriculum, including programs, courses and catalog. All courses and programs will be housed in the system, generating future electronic Catalogs. -
What is the difference between the “Courses” and the “Proposals” sections?
The “Courses” section houses all active courses listed in the Catalog. The “Proposals” section houses new course proposals and specific, one-time proposal changes to an existing course.
How far into the future can I propose a new or change to a course?
Currently the Curriculum and Programs Board has limited course additions and changes to two years into the future. -
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding the Course Change and/or New Course Proposal process?
CSU-Pueblo Curriculum and Programs Board Chair -
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding the functions of CM?
Brianna Bueno, Assistant Registrar, 719.549.2900; -
Who do I contact if I cannot remember by password?
Brianna Bueno, Assistant Registrar, 719.549.2900;
New Course Proposals:
What “Attachments” am I required to submit?
- New proposals must have syllabus attached.
- If you are proposing a change to an existing course that requires an updated syllabus, you must include the updated version with the proposal.
- Cross-listed courses must be accompanied by a PDF or Word document stating approval from the cross-listed department chair(s).
- If you answered “yes” to the questions in the “Additional Questions” specific to changing the catalog language, then you must upload a PDF/Word document containing the appropriate language.
- Any additional documentation supporting your course proposal.
Does the system prevent me from duplicating a prefix/course number that is already in the system?
Yes. A conflicting subject code (prefix) and number warning is displayed when a duplicate course has been submitted. If the warning is displayed, please choose a different course number.
Course Change Proposals:
How do I make my changes in the course proposal section?
Your changes should be made by writing directly over the information currently in the filed box(s) and/or by selection new radio buttons. The previous information will be archived. CM will summarize the changes made when the proposal is submitted and both the new and old information will be displayed. Anyone viewing the proposal will easily be able to distinguish between the two. -
What “Attachments” am I required to submit?
- New proposals must have an attached syllabus.
- If the changes to the course affect the syllabus, then a new, updated version must be attached.
- Cross-listed courses must be accompanied by a PDF or Word document stating approval from the cross-listed department chair(s).
- If you answered “yes” to the questions in the “Additional Questions” specific to changing the catalog language, then you must upload a PDF/Word document containing the appropriate language.
- Any additional documentation supporting your new course.
Viewing/Changing Proposals:
After I submit a proposal, where can I find it in the system?
You can review your proposal by selecting the “Proposals” button on the left menu and selecting a “Filters” option on the right menu. -
How can I find proposals submitted by other faculty?
Remove all “Filters” options in the right menu and all draft and submitted proposals will appear. You can review proposals by clicking on the course. -
Once I submit a proposal for approval, how can I edit the proposal?
Once a proposal is submitted into the approval workflow, it can only be edited by an approver in the flow. If you want to make an additional change, you must submit a new proposal. It is recommended that you discuss your new change request with your department chair to determine which option best fits your situation prior to submitting another proposal. -
Once I submit a proposal, can I see where it is in the approval process?
Yes! Open the proposal in the “Proposals” screen and open your course. The “Workflow Status” information is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. All approval stops are listed. A checkmark will appear for each stop once it is approved. -
When can I withdraw a proposal?
A proposer can withdraw a proposal any time prior to CAP Board approval. To withdraw a proposal, open it and select the “Withdraw” option in the top right corner. The proposal will be removed from the approval workflow and saved as a “draft” in the proposal section until you “Delete” it from the system or make changes and resubmit. -
How can I view a previous version of a course?
All versions of a course can be found by selecting the drop down arrow in the course information ribbon. This is the green ribbon at the top of the screen where you find the course prefix, name and current status [Active (Current), Retired (Deleted or No Longer Offered), Inactive (Hiatus or Reserve)].