Curriculum Management
Kuali Student Curriculum Management (CM) is a software as a service (SaaS) application designed to store and manage an institution’s curriculum information (courses, programs, and catalogs). This includes a workflow approval process for proposing new and modifying existing curriculum. Kuali CO
While it is a tremendous accomplishment to bring the CM system online, much work remains to be accomplished including the development of the Program module and converting to an online living Catalog. Our future holds the opportunity to implement other resources available through Kuali CO, including Student Enrollment.
We recognize that it will take a period of adjustment to become familiar with the Kuali Student system, processes, and tools. As we all get used to doing things in a new way, we encourage your feedback to ensure processes and resources are revised or refined to serve the needs of the campus community. Please know we are here to support you, and we will continue to send additional communications with important news and updates.
What is changing with the implementation of the CM system?
The way we do business. CM allows CSU-Pueblo to move from its AIS Student Information system onto a cloud-based, modernized system, while retaining control of core features.
In 2017, CSU-Pueblo started the transition from the AIS system to CM, which includes Courses/Programs and Catalog. These two components are dependent on one another and using an electronic system will enable us to reduce human error, streamline the workflow, speed up the approval process, and more easily analyze dependencies for better curricular decisions.
The CM technology will allow us to be more efficient in processing curriculum requests and will become an electronic archive of the CM process. At a quick glance, users can see where the proposal is in each step of the process, know when a proposal is approved, and track the historical changes that have occurred.
What is NOT changing with the implementation of the Kuali Student system?
The university’s Curriculum and Programs Board’s purpose, duties and process for approving course and program proposals. Curriculum and Programs Board (CAP Board)
System Accessibility
CM is cloud based and available 24/7 from any internet location.
Notifications will be posted on the Kuali Student website or sent to the user community if the system is unavailable during normal operating hours.
Feedback or Questions
For feedback, questions, or concerns regarding Kuali Student, please contact Brianna Bueno, Assistant Registrar, at or 719.549.2900.
For technical concerns, please include the course or program name, details about what you were doing when the problem occurred, and screenshots of relevant information. This will help system administrators keep track of issues, make enhancements, and correct problems as efficiently as possible.
Questions will arise as we continue to implement Kuali Student, and we will answer those as quickly as possible. Check out the FAQ page for answers to common questions.