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Elections 2024

Dear Colorado State University Pueblo Students, welcome to the Student Government Elections!

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the democratic process of selecting your student representatives. This form marks the beginning of an exciting journey where you have the opportunity to shape the future of our school/community.

Your voice matters, and your involvement in the election process is crucial in ensuring that your interests and concerns are represented effectively. Whether you aspire to take on a leadership role or simply want to exercise your right to vote, your contribution is invaluable.

The election link will be open on Tuesday, April 2nd 2024 at 8:00 a.m. and it will close on Wednesday, April 3rd 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

The election will take place on Involve (Formerly known as Presence or Lightning Link), if you have used Involve before please click here to log in and fill up the form.

First time using Involve, please follow the following instructions:

To access Involve, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the following link: Involve.
  2. In the top right corner, click on "Sign In."
  3. Select "Create Account" and enter your email address. Please use your email with your name format, such as Do not use the email with the C# or you won’t be able to create an account.
  4. Check your email for a message to reset your password.
  5. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.
  6. Once you've completed these steps, you should be able to access the link provided ASG Elections Form.

If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to visit the Occhiatto Student Center room 105 for technical support if you're on campus. If you're off-campus, please join the following Zoom link for assistance. Please note that there may be other students seeking assistance, so you may be placed in a waiting room until we can assist you. Click here to join the zoom.

We deeply appreciate your involvement and hope that you continue to stay engaged in our community initiatives and events. Together, we can build a vibrant and inclusive environment where every voice is heard and valued.

Thank you for your participation and for being an integral part of our student government election process.


Offices that students are eligible to run:

  • (1) President
  • (1) Vice-President
  • (2) Senator of CHASS
  • (2) Senator of STEM
  • (2) Senator of CHEN
  • (2) Senator of HSB
  • (4) Senator-at-Large

The following are the requirements and job descriptions on these positions. Each position is awarded a monthly stipend for their service.
All descriptions are adopted from the Associated Students’ Government Constitution and Policy Manual.

8.01 President

8.01.1 The President of the Associated Students’ Government shall be elected to serve an active term from May 1st of the calendar year in which he/she was elected until April 30th of the following year.

8.01.2 If a President completes a term and is not re-elected to an additional term, he/she may serve, and be compensated for, one month of inactive, advisory service from May 1st until May 31st in order to orient the incoming President and conduct the training of the newly elected officers.

8.01.3 The President shall also serve as the Student Representative on the CSU System Board of Governors. This term shall begin the day after the annual May Board of Governors meeting and shall end at midnight the day of the annual May meeting of the following year.

8.01.4 The President shall conduct his or her duties as directed by the Senate. The President, unless excused, shall attend all meetings of the Senate to give status reports and seek approval and direction from the Senate.

8.02 ASG Vice President

8.02.1 The ASG Vice President of the Associated Students’ Government shall be elected to serve an active term from May 1st of the calendar year in which he/she was elected until April 30th of the following year.

8.02.2 If an ASG Vice President completes a term and is not re-elected to an additional term, he/she may serve, and be compensated for, one month of inactive, advisory service from May 1st until May 31st in order to orient the incoming Vice President and conduct the training of the newly elected officers.

8.02.3 The ASG Vice President shall act in absence of the President on any urgent matter and shall become President if the office is vacated.

8.02.4 The ASG Vice President shall be the presiding officer over the senate.

8.02.5 The ASG Vice President shall appoint Senators to standing and non-permanent

Subcommittees of the senate this refers to internal committees.

8.02.6 The ASG Vice President shall enforce senate bylaws regarding the format of legislation

presented to the senate. This is the responsibility of the internal affairs committees.

8.02.7 The ASG Vice President shall be the presiding speaker of the Senate.


President and Vice President

  1. A candidate for ASG President and ASG Vice President must be a member of the Association in good standing, as defined by the Student Code of Conduct. He or she must also meet the following criteria:
  2. Maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale)
  3. Be enrolled in a minimum of twelve mandatory fee-paying credit hours on campus per semester from Colorado State University Pueblo

iii. Have accumulated at least 60 credit hours, of which 12 must have been earned from CSU Pueblo

1.01 The Senate

The Senate, as the governing board of the Associated Students’ Government (ASG), has the authority to direct all business of ASG, including the establishment of goals and initiatives. The Senate has the full authority to issue directives to the President regarding spending, executive staff, and the official ASG position on any issue.

Senate/Legislative Branch

A candidate for ASG Senator must be a member of the Association in good standing as defined in the Student Code of Conduct. He or she must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Maintain at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale)
  2. Be enrolled in a minimum of twelve mandatory fee-paying credit hours on campus per semester from Colorado State University Pueblo.

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142.

Associated Students' Government

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