Rufina Butler Ph.D.
Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Rufina Butler has 16 years of experience teaching Communication Courses, undergraduate research methods, English and Public Speaking both on campus and online, as well as graduate leadership courses. In various roles she has had the opportunity to recruit/retain military students, hire and train adjunct faculty, work with student support services, and student orientation. Her work with military students extends to Peterson AFB, Schriever AFB, Fort Carson, and Buckley AFB. Dr. Butler has taught a variety of courses including: Communications (Business/Technical), Professional Communication, Liberal Arts/Humanities, Human Relations, Developmental Reading, Developmental Writing, English Composition, Public Speaking (both online and ground), Managerial Communications (graduate level), Leadership (graduate level), Higher Education Management and Admn. (graduate level), Strategies for Success, College Writing, Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment Graduate Coursework.