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Hasan Faisal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Hasan Faisal, Ph.D.
Contact Info
LARC 404
Office Hours:
7:30am - 8:00am
9:30am - 10:00am
2:00pm - 2:30pm



  • Ph.D. in Engineering, 2018, Passed with Distinction, University of New Mexico, Cumulative GPA: 4.0
  • M.S. in Civil Engineering, 2012, University of New Mexico, Cumulative GPA: 4.0
  • B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, 2007, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)


  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Colorado State University-Pueblo., January 2022 to Presen
  • Product Specialist/Application Engineer, Anton Paar USA Inc., July 2018 to November 2020
  • Research Assistant, University of New Mexico, August 2010 to July 2018
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, Spring 2022 and Present
  • Instructor, University of New Mexico, Spring 2014 and Fall 2016
  • Lecturer (Tenured), Stamford University Bangladesh, July 2007-August 2010


  • Best Paper Award, November 2016, Best Paper Award, Sixth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Doctoral Conference Presentation Award, September 2017, Graduate Studies at the University of New Mexico
  • Professional Development Grant, October 2016, April 2017 and July 2017
  • Graduate & Professional Student Association at the University of New Mexico
  • Steve Reynolds Memorial Scholarship, August 2016, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico
  • Linda E. Jennett Scholarship, August 2016, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico
  • UNM Civil Engineering Scholarship, December 2015, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico
  • UNM Civil Engineering Travel Grant Award, December 2014 and January 2017, Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico
  • Academic Excellence, March 2014. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
  • Academic Excellence, November 2013, The Honor Society of Golden Key
  • Academic Excellence Award, May 2007, Ahsan Ullah Hall, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
  • Deans Award, 2003-2007, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
  • University Merit List Award, 2003-2007, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
  • Bangladesh Government Scholarship to cover 4 years undergraduate tuition and stipend.


Journal Articles

  1. Rahman, ASMA, Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A (2021). " Assessment and Modeling of Aging Effect on Asphalt Material Dynamic-Mechanical Properties." Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 49, no. 2 (2021): 758-782.
  2. Khan, Z. H., Tarefder, R. A. and Faisal, H. M. (2021). " Multiscale Modeling of Asphalt Concrete and Validation through Instrumented Pavement Section." Transportation Research Record, 0361198121989723
  3. Faisal, H. M. Khan, Z. H. and Tarefder, R. A. (2019). “Identification and Characterization of asphalt concrete phases using nanoindentation creep analysis”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, Vol. 145, Issue. 2, DOI: 10.1061/JPEODX.0000103.
  4. Hasan, MM, Ahmad, M., Hasan., MA, Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2019). “Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Fine and Coarse-Graded Asphalt Concrete Mix”. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, Issue. 11, DOI: 10.1061/%28ASCE%29MT.1943-5533.0002905.
  5. Rahman, ASMA, Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2019). “Assessment and Modeling of Asphalt Material Dynamic-Mechanical Properties”. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 49, Issue. 2, DOI: 10.1520/JTE20170672.
  6. Khan, Z. H., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2018). "Evaluation of Nanomechanical Properties of Non-Aggregate Phase of Asphalt Concrete through Finite Element Method." ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, MTENG 7197.
  7. Tarefder, R. A., Faisal, H. M. and Ghazanfar, B. (2017). "Freeze-thaw Effects on Fatigue Life of Hot Mix Asphalts and Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder." Cold Regions Science and Technology - Journal – Elsevier (CSRT_2017_148).
  8. Faisal, H. M., Mannan, U. A. and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Evaluating the Relationship between Dynamic Shear Modulus and Nano Scale Modulus of Asphalt Binders at Different Aging Conditions”. International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 13, Issue. 35, pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.21660/2017.35.6698.
  9. Ahmad, M, Faisal, H. M., Mannan, U. A. and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Effect of Pore Structure on Oxidative Aging of Asphalt Concrete”. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 151, pp. 636-641, DOI: 10.1016/2017.06.076.
  10. Mannan, U. A., Faisal, H. M., Hasan, M. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Evaluating the Effect of High RAP Content on Asphalt Mixtures and Binders Fatigue Behavior.” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, In Press.
  11. Faisal, H. M., Hossain, M. I. and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Nanomechanical Evaluation of Vapor Conditioned and Unconditioned Asphalt”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2506, pp. 126-136, DOI: 10.3141/2506-14.
  12. Faisal, H. M., Tarefder, R. A. and Weldegiorgis, M. T (2015). “Nanoindentation Characterization of Moisture Damage in Different Phases of Asphalt Concrete”. Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 31-46.
  13. Hossain, M. I., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Characterization and modelling of vapour-conditioned asphalt binders using nanoindentation.” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 382-396.
  14. Islam, M. R., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Determining temperature and time dependent Poisson’s ratio of asphalt concrete using indirect tension test.” Fuel, Vol. 146, pp. 119-124.
  15. Hosain, M. I., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Determining effects of moisture in mastic materials using nanoindentation.” Materials and Structures, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-015-0559-9.
  16. Tarefder, R. A., Faisal, H. M. and Sobien, H. (2014). “Nanomechanical Characterization of Effect of Mica and Aging on Asphalt Binder.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000962, 04014063.
  17. Weldegiorgis, M. T., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2014). “Use of BBR Test Data to Enhance the Accuracy of Modified Witczak Model Predictions at Low Temperatures”. IJPC – International Journal of Pavements.
  18. Tarefder, R. A., and Faisal, H. M. (2013). “Effects of Dwell Time and Loading Rate on the Nanoindentation Behavior of Asphaltic Materials.” ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-7.
  19. Tarefder, R. A., and Faisal, H. M. (2013). “Modeling Nanoindentation Creep Behavior of Asphalt Binder.” Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 418-440.
  20. Tarefder, R. A., and Faisal, H. M. (2013). “Nanoindentation Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Aging.” ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NM.2153-5477.0000061.

Conference Proceedings 

  1. Tarefder, R. A. and Faisal, H. M., (2018). “Nanoindentation Creep Data Modeling of Mastic Materials.” Proc. of the 26th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, July 15 – 21, 2018 in Paris, France.F
  2. Khan, Z. H., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2018). “Phase identification and characterization of aging effects in asphaltic materials by nanoindentation testing.” Transportation Geotechnics 17, 154-164.
  3. Faisal, H. M., Ahmad, MM, and Tarefder, R. A. (2018). “Effects of Pores and Oxidative Aging on the Nanomechanical Behavior of Asphalt Concrete.” International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018: Airfield and Highway Pavements, Pages 273-283.
  4. Khan, Z. H., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2018). “Nano-Scale Binder Phase Identification in Asphalt Concrete Nanomechanical Characterization of Non-Aggregate Phase of Asphalt Concrete Through Finite Element Method.” Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting.
  5. Faisal, H. M., Khan, Z. H., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Nano-Scale Binder Phase Identification in Asphalt Concrete.” ASME- the 2017 International Mechanical Congress & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, November 3-9, 2017, Paper No. 2017-71809.
  6. Khan, Z. H., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Fracture Toughness Measurement of Asphalt by Nanoindentation.” ASME- the 2017 International Mechanical Congress & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, November 3-9, 2017, Paper No. 2017-71840.
  7. Hasan, M. M., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Evaluation of Fatigue Life of Asphalt Concrete from Dynamic Modulus Test.” ASME- the 2017 International Mechanical Congress & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, November 3-9, 2017, Paper No. 2017-71813.
  8. Faisal, H. M., Mannan, U. A., Rahman, A.S.M., Hasan, M. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). "Effects of RAP Sources for Performance Testing of Asphalt Concrete." Proc., ASCE-T&DI International Conference on Highway Pavements & Airfield Technology, Philadelphia, August 27-30, 2017.
  9. Mannan, U. A., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). "Creep Stiffness Master Curve of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Modified Asphalt Binders Based on Binder Beam Rheometer (BBR) Test Data." Proc., ASCE-T&DI International Conference on Highway Pavements & Airfield Technology, Philadelphia, August 27-30, 2017.
  10. Rahman, A. S. M., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). "Measured Versus Inter-Converted Viscoelastic Material Functions of Asphalt Concrete." Proc., ASCE-T&DI International Conference on Highway Pavements & Airfield Technology, Philadelphia, August 27-30, 2017.
  11. Rahman, A. S. M., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). "A Laboratory Evaluation of Aging on the Viscoelastic Material Functions of Asphalt Concrete and Its Binder." Proc., ASCE-T&DI International Conference on Highway Pavements & Airfield Technology, Philadelphia, August 27-30, 2017.
  12. Faisal, H. M., Rahman, A.S.M., Mannan, U. A., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). "RAP and Aging of Asphalt Concrete." Proc., Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, Orlando, Florida, March 12-15, 2017, Paper ID: 169326.
  13. Tarefder, R. A., Faisal, H. M. and Mannan, U. A. (2016). “Relating Traditional Dynamic Shear Modulus to Nanoindentation Modulus of Asphalt Binders,” Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE2016), Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 14-16, 2016, ISBN: 978-4-9905958-6-9 C3051.
  14. Faisal, H. M., Khan, Z. H. and Tarefder, R. A. (2016). "Modeling Nanoscale Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Thin Film Asphalt Binder." Proc., Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, Arizona, doi: 10.1115/IMECE2016-65531.
  15. Hossain, M. I., Khan, A. R., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). "Finite Element and Mechanical Modeling of Fatigue Behavior of Partial Vapor-Conditioned Viscoelastic Material." Proc., Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas.
  16. Faisal, H. M., Hossain, M. I., and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Nanomechanical Evaluation of Vapor Conditioned and Unconditioned Asphalt." Transportation Research Board 94rd Annual Meeting.
  17. Rahman, A. S. M., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Application of a Numerical Interconversion Technique to Determine the Effect of Aging on Linear Viscoelastic Material Functions of Asphalt Concrete." Transportation Research Board 94rd Annual Meeting, 15-5672.
  18. Rahman, A. S. M., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2015). “Changes in Viscoelastic Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete and Binder due to Aging." Transportation Research Board 94rd Annual Meeting, 15-5622.

 19.Faisal, H. M., Hossain, M. I. and Tarefder, R. A. (2014). “Viscoelastic Behavior of Mastic         Phase of Asphalt Concrete”. 12th International Society for            Asphalt Pavements Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 1-5.

  1. Faisal, H. M., Tarefder, R. A. and Weldegiorgis, M. T. (2014). “Characterization of asphalt mastic and aggregate phases for moisture damage”. Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 14-5381.
  2. Weldegiorgis, M. T., Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2013). “Use of BBR Test Data to Enhance the Accuracy of Modified Witczak Model Predictions at Low Temperatures”. 2013 IJPC – International Journal of Pavements Conference, São Paulo, Brazil, December 9-10.
  3. Faisal, H. M., Weldegiorgis, M. T. and Tarefder, R. A. (2013). “Faisal, H. M., Weldegiorgis, M. T. and Tarefder, R. A. (2013). “Nanomechanical Characterization of Unaged and Aged Asphalt Concrete”. Proceedings of the ASCE Texas Section Spring Conference and Centennial Celebration, Corpus Christi, Texas, Paper ID GEO-7, March 19-23, 2013, pp. 1-9.
  4. Tarefder, R. A. and Faisal, H. M. (2013). “Nanomechanical Characterization of Asphalt Binder.” Proceedings of the 7th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 18-23.
  5. Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2012). “Constitutive Behavior of Asphalt Binder for Sharp Nanoindentation.” Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, South Bend, Illinois, Paper ID 851, June 17-20.
  6. Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2012). “Effects of variation in the material behavior on indentation derived elastic modulus and hardness.” Proceedings of the 2nd Southwest Energy Science and Engineering Symposium, El Paso, Texas, Paper ID 2012-48, March 24, pp. 1-3.

Presentations, Webinars and Posters

  1. Faisal, H.M. (2020). “Investigation of Surface Mechanical Properties of Asphaltic Material Using Nanoindentation.” Anton Paar. Link:
  2. Faisal, H. M., Mededovich, M., O’Hara, P. (2020). “Comparative analysis of Bulk and Local State of thin film Viscoelastic Material on a MEMS Device using Dynamic Nanomechanical Characterization.” TMS 2020, San Diego, CA, February 23-27. (poster)
  3. Faisal, H. M., Mannan, U. A. and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Performance of RAP in HMA.” Paving and Transportation Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 4-5, 2017. (presentation)
  4. Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2017). “Nano Phase Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Aging.” Paving and Transportation Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 4-5, 2016. (poster)
  5. Mannan, U. A., Faisal, H. M., and Tarefder, R. A. (2016). "Performance of Asphalt Pavements Containing Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) for New Mexico Mixes." Spring 2016 Meeting Unity amongst Civil Engineering Disciplines, ASCE NM Section, Socorro, NM, April 29, 2016.
  6. Faisal, H. M., Faisal, S. A. and Tarefder, R. A. (2014). “Nano Characterization of Asphalt Concrete.” Proceedings of the 2014 New Mexico Shared Knowledge Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Abstract ID 66, April 8-9. (poster)
  7. Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2013). “Issues in Nanoindentation on Viscoelastic Material.” Proceedings of the 2013 New Mexico Shared Knowledge Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
  8. Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2011). “Effect of Dwell Time, Loading Rate and Unloading Rate on Viscoelastic material in Nanoindentation Test.” Proceedings of the 1st Southwest Energy Science and Engineering Symposium, El Paso, Texas, April 16. (presentation)
  9. Faisal, H. M. and Tarefder, R. A. (2012). “Nanoindentation and Asphalt Concrete Aging.” Proceedings of the 24th Rio Grande Symposium on Advanced Materials, October, 22. (poster)

Technical Article 

  1. Tarefder, R. A. and Faisal, H. M. (2012). “Nanoindentation to Determine Viscoelastic Properties”. International Association for Computer Methods and Advanced Geomechanics (IACMAG), Magazine Digest, December, 2012.

Major Report

  1. Nanoindentation Characterization of Aging in Different Phases of an Asphalt Concrete. [2015-2017] (Developed the Research Proposal as Student Researcher) SOLARIS (Safety and Operations of Large-Area Rural/Urban Intermodal Systems) University Transportation Center quarterly reports and final report.
  2. Relating Dynamic Shear Modulus (G*) of Performance Grade (PG) Asphalt Binders to Nanoindentation Stiffness (E). [2014-2016] SOLARIS (Safety and Operations of Large-Area Rural/Urban Intermodal Systems) University Transportation Center quarterly reports and final report.
  3. Long Term Effects of the Use of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): Mechanical and Rheological RAP Characterization of NMDOT Mixes. [2012-2016] New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) quarterly reports and final report.
  4. Nanoscale Testing and Molecular Modeling of Aging in Asphalt. [2010-2013] National Science Foundation (NSF) annual reports and final report.


  • Fundamentals of Engineering (FE), NCEES ID: 13-382-77, October 2011
  • Introduction to Rheology, University of New Mexico, 2015
  • Quick Start with ABAQUS, University of New Mexico, 2015
  • Effective Teaching, Center for Excellence, Stamford University Bangladesh, 2007
  • Introduction to GIS, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2006


  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Associated member.
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • ASME Technical Soft Material Committee
  • University of New Mexico-Future Leaders in Pavement and Transportation, Member
  • Friends of few committees at the Transportation Research Board (TRB)    


  • ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and MicroMechanics
  • International Journal of Pavement Engineering
  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Elsevier
  • Applied Rheology
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) AFK 20 Committee
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) AFK 40 Committee
  • ASTM Advances in Civil Engineering Materials


  • President, Bangladeshi Student Association at UNM (BSAUNM), 2014-15.
  • Vice-President, Bangladeshi Student Association at UNM (BSAUNM), 2012-13.
  • Leader, International Mother Language Day, Student Union Building, University of New Mexico, Participants 200 international students and community persons
  • UN Volunteer, 2004 Flood Disaster in Bangladesh
  • Volunteer, Amnesty International
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