Alysa Quintana
Admissions Counselor

About me:
Hi, everyone! My name is Alysa Quintana, and I am an admissions counselor at CSU Pueblo. I am not originally from Pueblo (although I am a Colorado Native), but I do really like it here! I truly believe that I am a grandma trapped in a 30-something-year-old’s body. I like baking, crocheting, painting, reading, and hanging out with my cousins. I also really like being outside, whether it's hiking, camping, or fishing – even just sitting outside in the sun or looking for bugs is great! I think I’m pretty easy to talk to as well, so please let me know if you have any questions – no matter how big or small!
My favorite thing about CSU Pueblo is the community. It's a smaller campus, so you get to know people fast since you see the same people all the time! There are also always fun events happening on campus (which usually include free food 😉). I also really like CSUP's affordability. I was a first-generation student when I went to college in Denver, and I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't research colleges very well or apply for any scholarships, which I regret SO much. I love that CSUP has low tuition but also offers so many scholarships and has so many people on campus willing to help.
Favorite Restaurants:
- Shamrock
- B Street Cafe
- Tacos Fuego
Fun Facts:
- I was an elementary school art teacher for five years before moving to Pueblo.
- I went skydiving and loved it! I think I could easily get addicted to it if it weren’t so expensive.
- I am a self-proclaimed introvert, but I can turn into an outgoing freak on command. My weirdness usually comes out more once you get to know me, though!
Not-so-fun Facts:
- Once, my mom accidentally ran over my foot in her car. Don’t worry, I lived.
- I am extremely uncoordinated, which means I am also extremely clumsy. I am always bruised in random spots – a lot of the time, from running into stuff or tripping over my own feet.
- I love singing karaoke, but I’m a terrible singer. So I guess it's fun for me, but not-so-fun for the people who have to listen to me.