CAPB Curriculum Information
Curriculum Submission Process
- Timeline visual for CAPB submissions
- Instructions for Course and Program Changes
- Changes to existing courses and programs
- Addition of new minor (18cr min)
- Addition of new concentration within a major
- Instructions for New Program Submission
- New major
- New certificate (9cr minimum)
- Whitepaper proposal requirements
- Board of Governors template for new programs
- CDHE template for new programs
- College Curriculum Committee Checklist
Course Changes, Additions or Inactivation
- Submit these in CourseLeaf nextcatalog courseadmin
- New Course-Syllabus must include the following at a minimum:
- Course description
- Text, readings, and/or resources, etc.
- Course objectives and/or SLO’s
- Components of the grade with distribution
- Content illustrated by schedule or list of topics
- Special Topics Official request to offer a Special Topics course
Program Level Changes, Addition or Inactivation
Submitted Curriculum Proposals
Course and program proposals are found in CourseLeaf. Additional materials may be found on the I drive in the University Common folder under Curriculum & Academic Programs Board for the appropriate academic year.
Minutes and Reports
All Minutes can be found in the appropriate year’s minutes folder:
- I:\University Common\Curriculum & Academic Programs Board\CAPB 2024-2025
- I:\University Common\Curriculum & Academic Programs Board\CAPB 2023-2024
- I:\University Common\Curriculum & Academic Programs Board\CAPB 2022-2023
- I:\University Common\Curriculum & Academic Programs Board\CAPB 2021-2022